Fake News Classification with Tensorflow


Following the previous blog post on image classification, we would be using tensorflow again to perform machine learning tasks —— on text data this time.

While Plague Inc. went ‘viral’ again during the beginning of the COVID-19 outbreak due to public attention on the pandemics, my favourite game scenario in Plague In. has always been the fake news mode. Albeit some headlines are straight-out troll, the existence of such scenario still speaks volume about how the deliberate use of modern technology and psychological tricks could be used to infect the world with false information and cause extreme consequences to the democracy and health of the soceity.

In this blog, we would be getting some hand-on combat experience against fake news through the creation of a ML & N-Gram based fake news classification model.

Data acquisition

The following data is a small segment of a Kaggle fakenews dataset. Each row of the data corresponds to an article. The title column gives the title of the article, while the text column gives the full article text. The final column, called fake, is 0 if the article is true and 1 if the article contains fake news, as determined by the authors of the paper:

Ahmed H, Traore I, Saad S. (2017) “Detection of Online Fake News Using N-Gram Analysis and Machine Learning Techniques. In: Traore I., Woungang I., Awad A. (eds) Intelligent, Secure, and Dependable Systems in Distributed and Cloud Environments. ISDDC 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10618. Springer, Cham (pp. 127-138).

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

train_url = "https://github.com/PhilChodrow/PIC16b/blob/master/datasets/fake_news_train.csv?raw=true" 
news = pd.read_csv(train_url)

import re
import string

from tensorflow.keras import layers
from tensorflow.keras import losses
Unnamed: 0     int64
title         object
text          object
fake           int64
dtype: object
Unnamed: 0 title text fake
0 17366 Merkel: Strong result for Austria's FPO 'big c... German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday... 0
1 5634 Trump says Pence will lead voter fraud panel WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.President Donald Trump sa... 0
2 17487 JUST IN: SUSPECTED LEAKER and “Close Confidant... On December 5, 2017, Circa s Sara Carter warne... 1
3 12217 Thyssenkrupp has offered help to Argentina ove... Germany s Thyssenkrupp, has offered assistance... 0
4 5535 Trump say appeals court decision on travel ban... President Donald Trump on Thursday called the ... 0

Create Dataset

To parse the text and perform topic analysis, the first step is removing stopwords, i.e., uninformative words like ‘and’,‘the’,‘a’, etc. We make use of the nltk library to perform such task.

import tensorflow as tf
import nltk
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to /root/nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Unzipping corpora/stopwords.zip.
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

Next, we will create a tensorflow dataset to host our news data. Tensorflow datasets are iterable and well-integrated with the machine learning pipeline. We would write a create_database function that does the following 2 things:

  1. Remove stopwords from the article text and title.

  2. Construct and return a tf.data.Dataset with two inputs and one output. The input should be of the form (title, text), and the output should consist only of the fake column.

For a tf dataset: - Elements refer to a single output from calling next() on a dataset iterator. Elements may be nested structures containing multiple components. For example, the element (1, (3, “apple”)) has one tuple nested in another tuple. The components are 1, 3, and “apple”.
- Components refers to the leaves in the nested structure of an element. - To set up a dataset for ML training, we need something in this format:
ds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices((features_dict, labels))

def make_dataset(df):

  stop = stopwords.words('english')
  # retain the rest of words, separated by space
  df['text'] = df['text'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() 
                                                        if word not in (stop)]))
  df['title'] = df['title'].apply(lambda x: ' '.join([word for word in x.split() 
                                                        if word not in (stop)]))
  # Construct tf dataset
  tfds = tf.data.Dataset.from_tensor_slices(({"title":df[["title"]],"text":df["text"]},#feature_dict
  # batch 
  tfds = tfds.batch(100)
  return tfds
ds = make_dataset(news)
for idx,lbl in ds.take(1): # similar to data[:5]
[b'German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday strong showing Austria anti-immigrant Freedom Party (FPO) Sunday election big challenge parties. Speaking news conference Berlin, Merkel added hoping close cooperation Austria conservative election winner Sebastian Kurz European level.'
 b'WEST PALM BEACH, Fla.President Donald Trump said remarks broadcast Sunday would put Vice President Mike Pence charge commission probe believes voter fraud last November\'s election. There overwhelming consensus among state officials, election experts, politicians voter fraud rare United States, Trump repeatedly said thinks perhaps millions votes cast Nov. 8 election fraudulent. "I\'m going set commission headed Vice President Pence we\'re going look very, carefully," Trump told Fox News Channel\'s Bill O\'Reilly interview taped Friday. Trump, spending weekend Mar-a-Lago resort Palm Beach, Florida, captured presidency winning enough state-by-state Electoral College votes defeat Democrat Hillary Clinton. Still, Clinton popular vote nearly 3 million votes, piling overwhelming majority deeply Democratic states like California. This irked Trump result claimed voter fraud without evidence. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Kentucky Republican, said \'s "State Union" election fraud occur "there evidence occurred significant number would changed presidential election." "And I think ought spend federal money investigating that. I think states take look issue," said.'
 b'On December 5, 2017, Circa Sara Carter warned would major shake-up FBI Inspector General report completed. So far, Sara Carter right everything reported on, relates Mueller investigation. In below, Carter tells Sean Hannity believes FBI major shake-up soon 27 leakers IG looking at! Yes, 27 leakers!Sara Carter: We going see parts report December (end month). We going see parts report coming January. And looking Peter Strzok. They looking Comey. They looking 27 leakers. It would surprise shake-up FBI housecleaning.Watch:Is FBI former top attorney, James Baker, one first leaker casualties? James Baker, FBI leading lawyer confidante fired FBI Director James Comey, reassigned post, agency top personnel high scrutiny.Baker told colleagues assume different duties bureau, Washington Post reported.Baker oversees bureau Office General Counsel received awards George H.W. Bush Award Excellence counter-terrorism 2006.He also subject leak investigation summer Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered crackdown leakers.The FBI comment asked Baker reassigned would doing.His reassignment comes time increased scrutiny pressure agency, following release private text messages agents working Hillary Clinton email probe. Daily Mail Three sources, knowledge investigation, told Circa Baker top suspect ongoing leak investigation, Circa able confirm details national security information material allegedly leaked.A federal law enforcement official knowledge ongoing internal investigations bureau told Circa, bureau scouring leakers lot investigations. The revelation comes Trump administration ramped efforts contain leaks within White House within national security apparatus.Baker close confidant former FBI Director James Comey, recent media reports suggested reportedly advising then-FBI director legal matters following private meetings former director February President Trump Oval Office.Baker appointed FBI general counsel Comey 2014 long distinguished history within intelligence community.'
 b'Germany Thyssenkrupp, offered assistance Argentinian authorities investigation disappearance submarine last month, spokesman said Friday. The ARA San Juan delivered 1985 built unit Thyssen AG, merged Krupp form Thyssenkrupp 1999. We offered support technical investigation tragedy contact Argentinian navy respect, spokesman said. He said maintenance submarine conducted Thyssenkrupp. The submarine went missing Nov. 15 44 crew members aboard South Atlantic waters. The navy said Nov. 27 water entered submarine snorkel caused battery short circuit went missing. The tragedy underscored critics described parlous state Argentina military, faced dwindling funding years. German magazine WirtschaftsWoche earlier reported delegation Argentinian Navy traveled Kiel northern Germany discuss questions submarine Thyssenkrupp. It identify sources. Argentinian President Mauricio Macri called serious deep investigation incident.'
 b'President Donald Trump Thursday called appellate court ruling upheld suspension order restricting travel seven Muslim-majority countries "political decision," vowed administration would ultimately prevail. "We\'ll see court," Trump told reporters gathered outside press secretary\'s office. "It\'s political decision." Trump said view ruling major setback White House. "This decision came down, we\'re going win case," said.'
 b'North Korea successfully launched new type intercontinental ballistic missile, Hwasong-15 reach United States, isolated country state media said Wednesday. The missile North powerful ever, flew 950 km (590 miles) 53 minutes reaching altitude 4,475 km (2,781 miles), according statement read television presenter.'
 b'SACRAMENTO, Calif.California lawmakers voted become sanctuary state, tussled hot-button environmental issues urged states refuse cooperate President Donald Trump\'s Election Integrity Commission legislative year ended early Saturday. The majority Democratic lawmakers headed back districts positioned state opposition conservative policies proposed Republican-dominated U.S. Congress President Donald Trump immigration, environment issues. "It\'s purposeful positioning," said political analyst Sherry Bebitch Jeffe, senior fellow University Southern California. "We different political path different ideological path Republican-controlled Congress White House have." This year, California lawmakers strengthened protections undocumented immigrants, increased gasoline tax extended program aimed compelling businesses reduce air pollution, opposition federal policies. Early Saturday, lawmakers gave last-minute support bill barring local governments forcing undocumented immigrants spend extra time jail allow enforcement officers take custody. The bill, compromise version sought severely restrict interactions law enforcement immigration officials, allow communities notify federal government arrested undocumented immigrant felony record. It also allows enforcement agents access local jails. It came day federal judge barred U.S. Justice Department denying public-safety grants so-called sanctuary cities retaliation limiting cooperation Trump administration\'s crackdown illegal immigration. The bill goes Democratic Governor Jerry Brown signature. Trump issued executive order January targeting funding cities offer illegal immigrants safe harbor declining use municipal resources enforce federal immigration laws. A San Francisco judge blocked order. Illinois\' Republican Governor signed bill last month protecting people detained subject immigration-related warrant. Although California lawmakers enacted several environmental protections year, measure aimed weaning state\'s power grid entirely fossil fuels 2045 died year lawmakers adjourned without voting it. California\'s three investor-owned utilities, Pacific Gas & Electric (PCG_pa.A), Southern California Edison (SCE_pe.A) San Diego Gas & Electric [SDGE.UL], said bill protect customers cost switching fossil fuels. Assemblyman Chris Holden, held measure Utilities Energy Committee, said would consider legislature returns January second half two-year session. The legislature also passed package bills aimed increasing availability affordable housing notoriously expensive state, approved plan spending $1.5 billion income state\'s cap-and-trade air quality program, raises money selling businesses limited rights emit pollutants. They passed resolution condemning election integrity commission, calling effort suppress voting rights minorities others, voted move state\'s presidential primary June March.'
 b'NEW The Indian capital declared pollution emergency banned entry trucks construction activity toxic smog hung city third day Thursday air quality worsened hour. Illegal crop burning farm states surrounding New Delhi, vehicle exhaust emissions city limited public transport swirling construction dust caused crisis, arises every year. The problem compounded year still conditions, weather office said. A U.S. embassy measure tiny particulate matter PM 2.5 showed reading 608 10 a.m. safe limit 50. An hour 591. PM 2.5 particulate matter 30 times finer human hair. The particles inhaled deep lungs, causing heart attacks, strokes, lung cancer respiratory diseases. Residents complained headaches, coughs smarting eyes. Many stayed home restaurants city crowded parts deserted. I like assure people central government shall everything possible bring improvement air quality Delhi Nation Capital Region, federal environment minister Harsh Vardhan said authorities faced criticism failing take steps fight problem erupts every year. The haze covered India Gate, war memorial center city Britain Prince Charles wife Camilla due pay respects two-day trip ending Thursday. Schools shut week late Wednesday city administration announced set measures try clean air. Commercial trucks banned city unless transporting essential commodities, construction stopped car parking charges raised four times force residents use public transport. The Delhi transport department said would take decision later day whether introduce odd-even scheme cars license plates ending odd number allowed one day even-numbered cars next. But experts said measures unlikely bring immediate relief. There cloud us probably need artificial rain clear this, said Dr Vivek Nangia, pulmonologist Delhi Fortis hospital. Video shot ANI, affiliate, showed farmers illegally burning crop stubble Rohtak, 65 km Delhi. Farmers Haryana, Rohtak located, Punjab, two big agrarian states surrounding Delhi, burn millions tonnes crop waste around October every year sowing winter crop wheat. State authorities say hard enforce ban unless farmers, powerful political constituency, given funds buy machinery clear land. Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh said Twitter post: Situation serious Punjab helpless problem widespread & state money compensate farmers stubble management.'
 b'Nobody would ever said previous presidents. Nobody.But President Obama family black, Fox News host Sean Hannity trying get much hateful racist talk possible Obamas leave White House January.And President Obama leaves office, Hannity offering arrange one-way trip Kenya family response non-response White House satirical article claiming Obama wants move Canada Donald Trump wins election November 8th. Remember Democrats insisted last week need united behind whoever wins election? Hannity began. Well, I guess applies Donald Trump loses apparently president cannot bring say unite behind Trump presidency. Hannity talked White House aide failed deny rumors President Barack Obama planning leave United States Trump wins election, offered send President Obama, First Lady Michelle Obama, two daughters Africa long come back. I pay hang second, I offering I even rent plane big Air Force One. [ ] I offer president. I charter plane family. I make sure big plane Air Force One, grown accustomed to, words. Taxpayer-funded plane. I know I going get Maybe I Maybe I ask Trump I charter plane Obama. That I charter Donald Trump plane let me, I charter country choice. You want go Canada? I pay go Canada. You want go Kenya? I pay go Kenya. Jakarta, went school back day, go back there. Anywhere want go. I gonna I put finest food, car, champagne, name it. I one stipulation: come back. That fair. Here audio YouTube.First all, President Obama already stated peacefully transfer presidency Donald Trump January actually win Election Day. In fact, President Obama even attend inauguration.Second, every president modern era full use Air Force One matter go presidency. And always taxpayer funded. Even George W. Bush Ronald Reagan took 880 days vacation presidencies combined President Obama taken 217 days vacation. So Hannity wants pretend President Obama somehow freeloading taxpayers using Air Force One, probably get facts first.Furthermore, President Obama NOT born Kenya. His father was, President Obama born Hawaii American mother natural-born American citizen. His wife Michelle daughters also born United States.Hannity offer disrespectful hearkens back time racists wanted send blacks back Africa keep America white.Fox News embarrassed jackass still payroll, much less airwaves.Featured : Screenshot'
 b'Zimbabwe Robert Mugabe may deposed president, ruling party senior officials struggling stop mentioning man dominated country 37 years. Two government ministers left embarrassed party congress Friday used name veteran leader referring man replaced last month de facto coup, new president Emmerson Mnangagwa. Energy Minister ZANU-PF spokesman Simon Khaya-Moyo chanted Forward President Mugabe! native Shona language hastily correcting Forward President ED Mnangagwa . Mnangagwa, sworn president southern African country Nov. 24, initially sat stony-faced breaking smile another official whispered him. Finance Minister Patrick Chinamasa also started referring Mugabe party candidate elections due 2018 correcting himself. Mnangagwa endorsed ZANU-PF leader candidate top job vote said Thursday said could sooner expected. Mugabe country. Sources said visited hospital Singapore week, apparently medical checks.'
 b'Join Patrick every Wednesday Independent Talk 1100 KFNX globally Alternate Current Radio best news, views analysis top stories domestically abroad THIS WEEK: Episode 15 This week cover America turbulent transition power, President Trump continues search political mojo Washington DC Tonight, host Patrick Henningsen joined special guest, author roving correspondent RT News International author, Calib Maupin, talk new book, The 2016 Elections & The Crisis American Liberalism, new shifting political landscape America shaping Trump, Soros old Left-Right binary system searching new coherence. Listen Listen EP 15: Patrick Henningsen LIVE Caleb Maupin Spreaker.This program broadcasts LIVE every Wednesday night 9pm 10pm MST, post-drive time Savage Nation, Independent Talk 1100 KFNX terrestrial AM band across greater Phoenix central Arizona region, live global satellite online www.1100kfnx.com.LISTEN TO MORE INTERVIEWS AT PATRICK HENNINGSEN LIVE SHOW ARCHIVESSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV'
 b"Republican U.S. Senator John McCain said Thursday goal intelligence community's review Russian hacking influence 2016 U.S. election intended question result November poll. He also told hearing Senate Armed Services Committee cyber security issues panel, chairs, intends hold series hearings issue coming months."
 b'Change Federal Reserve could come quickly President-elect Donald Trump\'s team pledging promptly fill high-level central bank jobs roll tax fiscal plan could rewrite policymakers\' core economic assumptions. Fed officials already say plan gradually increase interest rates may need accelerated accommodate new administration\'s economic proposals, could push inflation higher. The concerns Fed Chair Janet Yellen broader faces 14-month window preserve legacy try ensure central bank\'s independence face possible four Trump appointees seven-member Board Governors. Yellen\'s term Fed chief expires February 2018, Trump likely name successor synch desire cut financial regulation, lower corporate taxes, reorder fiscal policy, possibly impose constraints Fed Republicans Congress long advocated. Yellen, 70, ranking Fed official past 12 years top U.S. central banker since 2014, laid long list concerns recent questioning Congress: fiscal boost blow deficit tailored improve growth productivity; regulations crafted 2007-2009 financial crisis trashed; Fed hamstrung policy rules political pressure. "There clear evidence better outcomes countries central banks take long view, subject short-term political pressures," Yellen said testimony. "Sometimes central banks need things immediately popular." Fed officials would comment whether Trump Yellen spoken, describe contact far central bank Republican businessman\'s transition team. Trump transition officials could reached comment. It remains unclear deep stamp Trump wants put Fed, feels issues like central bank independence fundamental Yellen peers. Trump\'s sharp comments Yellen presidential campaign, accused setting monetary policy help Democrats, rattled Fed officials felt crossed line. But known whether he\'ll content merely change personnel - Fed Vice Chair Stanley Fischer\'s term also runs 2018 - whether hopes infuse central bank different operating philosophy altogether. Congressional Republicans expected push legislation forcing oversight central bank, possibly tying monetary policy rule mechanically sets rates. Among candidates mentioned Yellen\'s possible replacement Stanford University economics professor John Taylor, whose "Taylor Rule" often used analysis reference point debate usefulness rules general. In first comments named Trump\'s choice Treasury secretary, Steven Mnuchin indicated Fox Business interview new administration\'s plans could quickly alter collegial consensus-driven dynamic Yellen tried mold. The plan move soon fill two open board seats Fed, appointing one vice chair supervision "will big priority," said Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs partner Hollywood financier. Many analysts feel move could prompt resignation Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo ahead expiry term 2022, giving Trump fifth board seat fill. A former Clinton administration economic advisor appointed Fed President Barack Obama, Tarullo currently handles regulatory issues never formally named vice chair. He would comment plans public appearance last month. Financial markets, spooked Trump\'s anti-trade comments campaign, far appear expect smooth sailing sober version Trumpism. The prospect major tax reform bolstered U.S. stocks, especially financial sector regulations expected eased, dollar rallied major currencies. Yet Fed, Trump\'s victory brings new possibly unnerving sort uncertainty. The Fed equivalent university full PhD economists employ sophisticated models gauge new tax fiscal policies might change growth, inflation unemployment. What can\'t model fallout major trade agreement summarily ripped up, Trump follows campaign threats declare China currency manipulator. "Do think ideologue pragmatist prevails?" said Cornerstone Macro analyst Roberto Perli, like many markets argues Trump\'s volatile rhetoric find way practice. Fed officials far struck cautious note. "It time patient see things unfold," Governor Jerome Powell said Brookings Institution Washington Wednesday. But feel policymakers may need get top coming wave. "Fed officials can\'t simply dismiss prospect legislative reforms anymore," Dartmouth University economics professor former Fed adviser Andrew Levin said. "It seems practically inevitable."'
 b'The #NFL become showcase anti-law enforcement movement inspired Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Al Sharpton now, Black Lives Matter activist Colin Kaepernick fellow NFL players First Beyonce Black Panther, anti-cop performance 2016 Super Bowl. The NFL silent.Next, Cleveland Browns player Isaiah Crowell took Instagram post ISIS like photo man wearing black ski mask slitting neck cop. The NFL silent.The Dallas Cowboys wanted wear decal show support 5 cops slain Black Lives Matter supporter home town pre-game. The NFL said, no. Colin Kaepernick, Quarterback San Francisco 49er thought would great way show disdain law enforcement sat national anthem. The NFL silent.Apparently disrespecting flag totally okay NFL.Months later, NFL players joined Kaepernick anti-American antics. It long high school college players, inspired attention Colin Kaepernick received anti-American act, decided follow suit. Some knelt national anthem performed die dramatic effect. All disrespecting flag.The NFL SILENT.The time come America show NFL feel silence. America biggest football fans turning TV silent protest sure get attention organization cannot survive without fan support.So far, America protest NFL seems working:It seems likely numerous #BoycottNFL online campaigns fan outrage aimed National Anthem protests NFL taken toll terms viewership season. Additionally, cord-cutting continues eat traditional TV ratings alarming rate. But could something else play?We barely year removed NFL setting all-time records viewership, yet league pace lowest ratings years. That sharp unexpectedly sudden turn.Given politicized controversies variety streaming options year, reached cumulative point football fatigue? The numbers suggest so.Last night Monday Night Football matchup Minnesota Vikings New York Giants drew 9.1 overnight rating, 8% drop last year comparable Week 4 game Detroit Lions Seattle Seahawks. The New England Patriots Kansas City Chiefs game 2014 earned 9.6 rating. : Forbes'
 b'President Donald Trump pressed Republican congressional leaders Tuesday complete overhaul U.S. healthcare system lawmakers said making progress contentious effort threatens overwhelm legislative agenda. In White House meeting, Trump welcomed indications senior Republicans Senate might vote healthcare bill July, breaks summer, House Representatives passed version May. "Now Senate I\'m sure follow suit get bill across finish line summer great healthcare I\'m looking forward seeing it," Trump said. The gathering included Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, No. 2, Senator John Cornyn, along House Speaker Paul Ryan deputies, Representatives Kevin McCarthy Steve Scalise. Buffeted criticism many fronts, Trump wants faster action fellow Republicans control Congress, pressing lawmakers finish job dismantling Obamacare healthcare law move quickly another priorities: tax cuts. McConnell said Senate Republicans "getting close" healthcare plan presented outline lunchtime meeting declined say might bring vote. Other senior Republicans say hope vote early July. "The leader would like soon," Senator Orrin Hatch told reporters. The Senate requires 60-vote supermajority advance legislation Republican Mike Enzi, head Senate Budget Committee, said health bill passed House qualifies expedited process would require 51 votes. Still, Republicans little margin error control 52 seats 100-seat chamber remain divided key questions quickly scale back Medicaid health plan poor. "You get 50 people - means get lot people concerned Medicaid," said Senator Shelly Moore Capito West Virginia, state depends heavily program. Medicaid expanded Obamacare House bill would phase expansion 2020. The Senate bill might keep expansion place beyond date, said Republican Senator John Barrasso. Whatever White House\'s efforts push ahead policy plans, spotlight testimony James Comey, FBI director fired Trump last month, Senate Intelligence Committee Thursday. Senators question Comey whether Trump tried get back FBI investigation ties president\'s 2016 campaign Russia, attempt critics said could constitute obstruction justice. Trump denies collusion Russia called investigation "witch hunt." The Justice Department appointed special counsel oversee probe Russia issue several congressional panels also investigating matter. Elected pledges overhaul healthcare system slash taxes, Trump yet achieve major legislative win, time running lawmakers leave Washington August break. There little progress healthcare since House passed bill. McConnell told late last month yet know amass votes needed pass bill healthcare. He appeared make progress Tuesday. Some Republican lawmakers praised outline McConnell presented lunchtime meeting, although cautioned much work remained done. Senator Bill Cassidy said plan offered protections House bill people already pre-existing illnesses apply insurance coverage - major point contention. "I think personally moving right direction," said. The House healthcare bill could result 23 million people losing insurance, according nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. The bill also would reduce federal deficits $119 billion 2017 2026, according analysis. Congress might turn focus overhauling tax code September. While administration would prefer changes add national debt, Marc Short, Trump\'s top aide Capitol Hill, told reporters Monday top priority would cutting taxes. The Trump administration outlined broad plan would cut tax rates businesses streamline tax system individuals. The proposal short details, including much tax cuts would cost loopholes would closed. Others eager move past healthcare well. "We need bring end move taxes," said Republican Senator Lindsey Graham.'
 b'Adios America Census: Record 51 million immigrants 8 years, account 82% U.S. growthWisconsin Gov. Scott Walker disrupted debate week said legal immigration also needs reformed make sure Americans suffer losing jobs new citizens.But even more, CIS report said surge mostly legal immigrants huge impact nation taxpayers. These numbers important implications workers, schools, infrastructure, congestion environment, said Steven Camarota, center director research. They also may implications ability successfully assimilate integrate immigrants. Yet almost national debate bringing many people legally year, primary factor driving numbers. Those numbers likely shake Washington political debate 12 million illegals America, expected 70,000 expected pour border year 4.4 million legal immigrants State Department waiting list relatives jobs U.S.A key senator steering immigration debate, Alabama Republican Jeff Sessions, warned higher numbers immigrants hurt middle class. In letter New York Times Saturday, wrote, It defies reason argue record admission new foreign workers negative effect wages American workers, including wages past immigrants hoping climb middle class. Why would many largest business groups United States spend millions lobbying admission foreign workers policies cut labor costs? On Friday, key business leaders including U.S. Chamber Commerce group associated former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg plan pitch immigration. Their schedule below.The numbers, seen highlights below, also raise concerns Washington giving keys nation new immigrants: The immigrant population grow four times faster native born population, reaching 15.8 percent, 57 million, nation population 2030, 17.1 percent, 65 million, 2040, 18.8 percent, 78 million, 2060. Net immigration year 1.24 million; green cards 1.1 million. Immigrants descendants account overwhelming share population growth, said Center projecting growth. They account 75.5 percent 2010-2050 82 percent 2010-2060. Census Bureau projects 2023 nation immigrant population, legal illegal, reach 14.8 percent total U.S. population, highest share ever recorded.: Washington Examiner'
 b'Next stop BREXIT US! Judge Jeanine nails says need know facts fight elitist agenda. We tired lectured fat cats Washington .'
 b'Denmark Prince Henrik, husband Queen Margrethe, diagnosed dementia, condition affected behavior judgment, palace said Wednesday. The announcement came weeks 83-year-old announced want buried next wife, saying unhappy never acknowledged equal. Following longer diagnostic process lately series examinations late summer, specialist team ... concluded Royal Highness Prince Henrik suffers dementia, Royal House said statement. The extent cognitive failure ... greater expected considering age The Prince, added. Henrik, married Margrethe 1967, retired last year renounced title Prince Consort, saying disappointed named King Consort. Since participated official duties spent much time private vineyard France. In Denmark, princess traditionally becomes queen husband takes throne, man become king roles reversed. Born Henri Marie Jean Andr de Laborde de Monpezat France 1934, Henrik two sons queen, Crown Prince Frederik Prince Joachim.'
 b'Throughout campaign, many tried defending Trump saying Democrat, must secretly liberal, something. Well, Trump pick cabinet among conservative possible, pick Labor Secretary ber socially conservative, would probably opt slave labor option.Andy Puzder CEO Carl Jr. Hardee know, company family values ads like one:We know shared love scantily clad women semi-pornographic settings drew Donald Trump Puzder, Trump considering Labor Secretary bad news labor.In May, Pudzer penned petulant op-ed said would replace employees robots Congress raised minimum wage. That right, so-called populist President Elect wants someone charge labor believes dramatically underpay employees, employees all. Pudzer salary upwards $5 million year. His employees make somewhere around double poverty level, assuming parents working full time.Oh, gets worse, lot worse. Puzder, like many Trump picks, painfully (to nation) socially conservative. Puzder, previous life, trial lawyer trial lawyer, wrote one restrictive anti-abortion laws time.Puzder completely lock-step isolationist Trump, though. He support free trade. Puzder views run contrary key part Trump platform. Pudzer immigration reform, sort seems depend office. Pudzer loves cheap labor immigrants provide, President Obama behind it.Immigration reform requires legislative action, executive mandate. On point, last week, numerous business executives, political leaders I sent letter Republican members Congress imploring reform broken immigration system. The letter encourages Congress pass legislation discourages rising tide illegal immigration fixing unnecessary obstacles send talented individuals elsewhere make harder American companies compete, grow create jobs American workers. Source: Real Clear PoliticsRegardless, Trump sending definite message nation, voters working people America matter all. Trump going save jobs, could help lower wages Puzder perfect person help that.Featured Drew Angerer/Getty'
 b'Britain ruling Conservatives barred two lawmakers European Parliament broke party whip voted motion demanding London meet EU demands Brexit talks. Julie Girling ... Richard Ashworth suspended Conservative Party last night supporting resolution ... block Brexit talks moving forward, party said Sunday statement highlighted divisions Britain move quit European Union 18 months. Prime Minister Theresa May supported move. A government source said two behaved totally irresponsibly . They left party choice act, Ashley Fox, leader 20-strong group, said statement, describing decision Ashworth Girling, former group leader chief whip respectively, extremely regrettable . Girling, like Ashworth Fox opposed Brexit last year referendum, defended decision vote overwhelming majority Strasbourg Tuesday non-binding resolution urged EU leaders accept London request talks post-Brexit trade without concessions. I vote prevent trade talks, said, noting called negotiations. However, said statement patently obvious EU test sufficient progress key divorce issues yet met. Her vote, said, put interests constituents party discipline referred support far-right Britain walk without deal: I never agreed silently acquiesce country heads towards cliff edge, said, describing wanton economic self-harm . May, also opposed Brexit, battling contain in-fighting approaches Brexit threats leadership uncertain party conference performance last week. Her Brexit minister David Davis due back Brussels week talks. The party statement said Davis written leaders Labour Liberal Democrat parties complain British MEPs voted majority. He urged Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn suspend MEPs.'
 b'The United States sought Monday avoid openly taking sides Iraqi-Kurdish dispute, Iraq\'s capture Kurdish-held city Kirkuk raised risk open conflict U.S. allies fight Islamic State. U.S. President Donald Trump expressed disappointment two sides fighting. "We like fact they\'re clashing. We\'re taking sides," Trump told reporters White House. "We\'ve many years good relationship Kurds know we\'ve also side Iraq, even though never first place. We never there. But we\'re taking sides battle." Iraqi government forces captured major Kurdish-held oil city Kirkuk Monday, responding Kurdish referendum independence bold lightning strike transforms balance power country. A convoy armored vehicles Iraq\'s elite U.S.-trained Counter-Terrorism Force seized Kirkuk\'s provincial government headquarters Monday afternoon, less day operation began, reporter Kirkuk said. Senator John McCain, influential chairman Senate Armed Services Committee, warned Iraq\'s government "severe consequences" misuse U.S.-provided weaponry Kurdish forces. Pentagon spokesman Colonel Robert Manning declined speculate whether United States might cut military aid training Iraqi forces event major conflict, saying: "I\'m going speculate I tell we\'re looking options planning considerations ... We encourage dialogue."'
 b'Fox News continues outdo incompetent so-called journalism. A Fox News host said Bernie Sanders basically communist wanting free college tuition young Americans. While host clue communist is, host said millions Americans true insult.In startling display disdain middle lower-income Americans, Fox host Gretchen Carlson said rich kids get go school parents dime, parents worked incredibly hard : Where said, know, poor people able go college free, like rich kids. Free? If actually true, quite possibly parents worked incredibly hard able pay them, full ride go college! What silly statement implies parents kids afford send college without assistance means hard workers. The shear arrogance striking. How much money person makes indicative whether he/she works hard! The shear stupidity coupled arrogance disturbing. It puzzling people platform television.The host also went demean younger generations supporting Bernie Sanders. Alarmed overwhelming support Sanders received young voters, Carlson dismisses lacking understanding believed Sanders communist policies. She said: We fought wars! Men women died country fight communism many principles, quite honestly Katherine, I mean, astounding. The people continue spew nonsense, obvious Sanders enormous popular appeal Americans. It time give American Dream back everyone select few.Watch Here: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8DKt6MhUGo]Featured Screen Capture'
 b'Republican presidential candidate John Kasich\'s campaign Monday denied report Mitt Romney, party\'s presidential candidate 2012, would endorse Ohio governor Monday. A Wall Street Journal reporter said Kasich answered affirmative question Romney\'s endorsement. Kasich spokesman Chris Schrimpf said, "This true. Kasich responding acknowledging different question." A Romney endorsement would provided Kasich boost eve Ohio\'s primary front-runner Donald Trump running close race first place.'
 b"ESPN anchor Jemele Hill says deserved suspended getting political Twitter (please see previous report below). It shocking good backtracking political activism like rabid dog hate Trump weeks ago. Do believer think apologized President Trump? We think apologized DO YOU BELIEVE HER?The network benched SportsCenter host two weeks Oct. 9 second violation social-media guidelines, according statement. The 41-year-old journalist said taking timeout best. I deserved suspension, Hill told TMZ. I violated policy. Going forward, good, healthy place. Hill ignited national firestorm tweeted September President Trump white-supremacist. I DON T FEEL SUPPRESSED ESPN specify second strike one got heave-ho suspension came heels Oct. 8 tweet urging people boycott Dallas Cowboys advertisers disagreed team owner Jerry Jones critical stance players protest institutional racism kneeling national anthem.Hill said believe network censoring punishing says personal Twitter account. I feel suppressed. I love ESPN much ever. I OK. I feel good, said.She expected return broadcast Monday. Read more: NYPOUR PREVIOUS REPORT ON JEMELE HILL S SUSPENSION FROM ESPN:ESPN suspended SportsCenter anchor Jemele Hill violating social media guidelines posted series tweets Sunday Monday urging NFL fans boycott companies advertise Dallas Cowboys, first getting trouble last month calling President Trump white supremacist Twitter.ESPN STATEMENT:ESPN's Statement Jemele Hill: pic.twitter.com/JkVoBVz7lv ESPN PR (@ESPNPR) October 9, 2017 Jemele Hill suspended two weeks second violation social media guidelines, ESPN said statement Monday. She previously acknowledged letting colleagues company impulsive tweet. In aftermath, employees reminded individual tweets may reflect negatively ESPN actions would consequences. Hence decision. JEMELE HILL CALLS FOR BOYCOTT OF DALLAS ADVERTISERS:Hill fired tweets Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said player protests national anthem disrespects flag would benched.Jones statements prompted Hill urge NFL fans boycott companies advertise Cowboys, tweets, said Cowboys fans stop watching buying merchandise. Don ask Dak, Dez & Cowboys players protest. A powerful statement stop watching buying merchandise, said one tweet, referencing Cowboys quarterback Dak Prescott wide receiver Dez Bryant.Don't ask Dak, Dez & Cowboys players protest. A powerful statement stop watching buying merchandise. Jemele Hill (@jemelehill) October 9, 2017Hill tweeted several tweets calling boycott Dallas advertisers. She crossed line suspended two weeks Yawn! We think fired goes show ESPN serious changing approach employees bringing politics sports. People sick death sports outlets politicize events sport. Enough already!IN CASE YOU MISSED WHEN HILL CALLED TRUMP A WHITE SUPREMACIST :ESPN host Jemele Hill called President Trump Kid Rock white supremacists . It end said one several tweets Trump unfit president.What ESPN do? You guessed NOTHING! They tweeted mild apology it!This Mike Ditka fired supporting President Trump criticizing Obama. Kurt Schilling also fired posting picture social media transgender bathrooms.Why woman fired ESPN?Please contact ESPN let know feel outrage: ESPNRead more: WE"
 b'Ousted Catalan president Carles Puigdemont said stood ready cooperate Belgian justice authorities, adding believed Spanish authorities become politicized. I run justice. I go justice authorities, real justice authorities, Puigdemont told Belgian state broadcaster RTBF interview aired Friday. I told lawyer tell Belgian justice authorities I completely ready cooperate, said. Puigdemont added clear Spanish justice authorities become politicized .'
 b'U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said, elected, would use executive action end tax loophole wealthy Americans, according interview USA Today Wednesday. Clinton said Congress act, would ask Treasury Department use authority end tax advantage, known carried interest loophole, allows hedge-fund managers pay lower rate taxpayers counting income investment income.'
 b'US Congressman Joe Wilson right! Obama liar His reckless amateur decisions made America unsafe ever been. Now asking Americans vote Hillary ensure lawless legacy lives The Obama administration secretly organized airlift $400 million worth cash Iran coincided January release four Americans detained Tehran, according U.S. European officials congressional staff briefed operation afterward.Wooden pallets stacked euros, Swiss francs currencies flown Iran unmarked cargo plane, according officials. The U.S. procured money central banks Netherlands Switzerland, said.The money represented first installment $1.7 billion settlement Obama administration reached Iran resolve decades-old dispute failed arms deal signed 1979 fall Iran last monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi.The settlement, resolved claims international tribunal The Hague, also coincided formal implementation weekend landmark nuclear agreement reached Tehran, U.S. global powers summer before. With nuclear deal done, prisoners released, time right resolve dispute well, President Barack Obama said White House Jan. 17 without disclosing $400 million cash payment.Senior U.S. officials denied link payment prisoner exchange. They say way various strands came together simultaneously coincidental, result quid pro quo. As made clear, negotiations settlement outstanding claim completely separate discussions returning American citizens home, State Department spokesman John Kirby said. Not two negotiations separate, conducted different teams side, including, case The Hague claims, technical experts involved negotiations many years. But U.S. officials also acknowledge Iranian negotiators prisoner exchange said wanted cash show gained something tangible.Sen. Tom Cotton, Republican Arkansas fierce foe Iran nuclear deal, accused President Barack Obama paying $1.7 billion ransom ayatollahs U.S. hostages. This break longstanding U.S. policy put price head Americans, led Iran continue illegal seizures Americans, said.Since cash shipment, intelligence arm Revolutionary Guard arrested two Iranian-Americans. Tehran also detained dual-nationals France, Canada U.K. recent months.At time prisoner release, Secretary State John Kerry White House portrayed diplomatic breakthrough. Mr. Kerry cited importance relationships forged diplomatic channels unlocked course nuclear talks. For entire story: Wall Street JournalAs bonus, Rep. Joe Wilson calling Barack Obama one many lies:'
 b'How ridiculous woman? She slaps horse screams face. These protesters simply unhinged! Yesterday, chained cars shut Arizona highway. None behavior wins people side. It makes look crazy irrational. KANSAS CITY, Mo. A woman midst protests outside rally presidential candidate Donald Trump March 12 arrested Friday abuse police service animal.According police report, officer mounted horseback involved police crowd control outside Midland Theatre protesters began moving street blocking traffic, approaching officers foot. After police verbally instructed protesters back onto sidewalk, crowd continued moving forward mounted officers moved position block crowd.Police said suspect, April J. Foster, 29, approached officer horse, Dan, began screaming horse face attempt scare him. When work, Foster reportedly slapped horse face open hand.Read more: FOX 4 KC'
 b'Tucker Carlson debates Russia conspiracy Mustafa Tameez, former consultant Department Homeland Security. Oh boy! It gets heated Tucker gets point across political hack: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4xzSKcArdcThe Democrats desperately want take president getting control. Just listen former consultant spin firing Sally Yates Russia investigation. The reason fired really reason say fired her? Huh? It like keep made conspiracy theories. Tameez claims Trump intimidating people investigating Oy vey! Tucker goes rails political hack tries pull Democrat talking points I done!'
 b"New names possible appointees U.S. President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet emerged, including 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney secretary state, works fill administration positions ahead inauguration Jan. 20. A senior Trump official said job national security adviser offered retired Lieutenant General Michael Flynn. Trump announced Sunday would hire Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus White House chief staff named Stephen Bannon, former head conservative website News, chief strategist senior counselor. Below people mentioned contenders senior roles. * Steven Mnuchin, former Goldman Sachs Group Inc executive Trump's campaign finance chairman * Jeb Hensarling, U.S. representative Texas chairman House Financial Services Committee * Jamie Dimon, JPMorgan Chase & Co chief executive officer * Tom Barrack, founder chairman Colony Capital Inc * Mitt Romney, 2012 presidential nominee former Massachusetts governor * Rudy Giuliani, former mayor New York City * Nikki Haley, governor South Carolina * Jeff Sessions, U.S. senator Alabama early Trump supporter, member Senate Armed Services Committee * John Bolton, former U.S. ambassador United Nations President George W. Bush * Bob Corker, U.S. senator Tennessee chairman Senate Foreign Relations Committee * Zalmay Khalilzad, former U.S. ambassador Iraq * Jeff Sessions, U.S. senator Alabama early Trump supporter, member Senate Armed Services Committee * Tom Cotton, U.S. senator Arkansas * Jon Kyl, former U.S. senator Arizona * Duncan Hunter, U.S. representative California early Trump supporter, member House Armed Services Committee * Jim Talent, former U.S. senator Missouri Senate Armed Services Committee * Kelly Ayotte, outgoing U.S. senator New Hampshire member Senate Armed Services Committee * Rudy Giuliani, former mayor New York City * Ted Cruz, U.S. senator Texas * Jeff Sessions, senior member Senate Judiciary Committee takes hard line immigration * Kris Kobach, Kansas secretary state, architect anti-immigration efforts says advising Trump immigration issues * Pam Bondi, Florida attorney general * Trey Gowdy, U.S. representative South Carolina headed House committee investigated 2012 attacks U.S. mission Benghazi, Libya * Henry McMaster, lieutenant governor South Carolina * Tom Price, U.S. representative Georgia orthopedic surgeon * Rick Scott, Florida governor * Rich Bagger, former pharmaceutical executive former top aide New Jersey Governor Chris Christie * Bobby Jindal, former Louisiana governor * Michael McCaul, U.S. representative Texas chairman House Homeland Security Committee * David Clarke, Milwaukee county sheriff vocal Trump supporter * Joe Arpaio, outgoing Maricopa County, Arizona, sheriff campaigned Trump * Jeff Holmstead, energy lawyer, former EPA official George W. Bush administration * Mike Catanzaro, energy lobbyist, former EPA official George W. Bush administration * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Leslie Rutledge, Arkansas attorney general * Carol Comer, commissioner Indiana Department Environmental Management * Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil gas mogul, chief executive Continental Resources Inc * Kevin Cramer, U.S. Representative North Dakota * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Larry Nichols, co-founder Devon Energy Corp * James Connaughton, chief executive Nautilus Data Technologies former environmental adviser President George W. Bush * Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor, 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee * Jan Brewer, former Arizona governor * Forrest Lucas, founder oil products company Lucas Oil * Harold Hamm, Oklahoma oil gas mogul, chief executive Continental Resources Inc * Robert Grady, venture capitalist, partner private equity firm Gryphon Investors * Wilbur Ross, billionaire investor, chairman Invesco Ltd subsidiary WL Ross & Co * Linda McMahon, former World Wrestling Entertainment executive two-time Senate candidate * Ronald Burgess, retired lieutenant general former Defense Intelligence Agency chief * Robert Cardillo, director National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency * Pete Hoekstra, former U.S. representative Michigan * Pete Hoekstra, former U.S. representative Michigan * Michael Flynn, retired lieutenant general former director Defense Intelligence Agency, offered job, according senior Trump official. * Kelly Ayotte, outgoing U.S. senator New Hampshire member Senate Armed Services Committee * Richard Grenell, former spokesman United States United Nations * Peter King, U.S. representative New York * Dan DiMicco, former chief executive steel producer Nucor Corp The Trump transition team confirmed would choose list 21 names drew campaign, including U.S. Senator Mike Lee Utah, William Pryor, federal judge 11th U.S. Circuit Court Appeals. * Victoria Lipnic, U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission commissioner former Labor Department official George W. Bush administration. * Andrew Puzder, CEO CKE Restaurants."
 b'// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, \'script\', \'facebook-jssdk\')); // ]]> We tired lies social media. Our federal government run amuk. Everybody guns. Just guns, mean violent. Oregon rancher asking help!Posted Bundy Ranch Sunday, 3 January 2016// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, \'script\', \'facebook-jssdk\')); // ]]>Come help ranchers Oregon gain back rights!Posted Bundy Ranch Monday, 4 January 2016 // <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, \'script\', \'facebook-jssdk\')); // ]]>Oregon rancher asking help!Posted Bundy Ranch Sunday, 3 January 2016This rancher traveled Michigan show support ranchers. He calling peaceful resolution issue:// <![CDATA[ (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/sdk.js#xfbml=1&#038;version=v2.3"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);}(document, \'script\', \'facebook-jssdk\')); // ]]>Calling come help people Harney CountyKen Rhoads, (71) calling come help people Harney County. Come Malheur Wildlife Refuge 30 mile Burns Oregon. We warm place lay head food eat. We need make happen without violence.Posted Bundy Ranch Sunday, 3 January 2016'
 b'Finally! Remember Senator Lyndsey Graham said disappointed said, deal later. ? Well, dealt Susan Rice Susan Rice former CIA Director John Brennan subpoenaed House Intelligence Committee information related unmasking Trump campaign team others Can believe it? Will finally justice?We know Susan Rice key player unmasking John Brennan slippery come. Remember lied Congress? Yes, people dealing with. Let hope finally get bottom SOMETHING The Washington Examiner reports:The House Intelligence Committee issued seven subpoenas part ongoing investigation Russian meddling 2016 elections, including one seeking information Obama former national security adviser Susan Rice, activities related intelligence documents named members Trump campaign.The Journal report said intelligence-related subpoenas seek information requests unmasking names Susan Rice, former CIA Director John Brennan, United Nations Ambassador Samantha Power.Having subpoenas directed former members intelligence committee could show Republicans strengthened resolve track leaks within intelligence gathering agencies, leak described contents phone call Flynn Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak.Susan Rice target unmasking time interesting. Let games begin!FLASHBACK: SUSAN RICE REFUSES TO TESTIFY: Susan Rice announced testify Senate Russian hacking.Senator Lyndsey Graham said disappointed said, deal later. She gave flimsy excuse testifying lawyer:Rice considered invitation diversionary play distract attention investigation Russian election interference, including contacts Trump allies Russians campaign, source said.That ridiculous! Could REALLY want testify oath? Ya think!According , Barack Obama national security adviser turned request Sen. Lindsey Graham participate hearing. Senator Whitehouse informed us letter (SEE BELOW) agree Chairman Graham invitation Ambassador Rice, significant departure bipartisan invitations extended witnesses, Rice lawyer Kathryn Ruemmler wrote letter Graham. Under circumstances, Ambassador Rice respectfully declines Senator Graham invitation testify. Rice administration official made dozens requests seeking unmask identities Trump associates, said national security reasons politically motivated Read more: Daily Caller'
 b'At town hall Frost, Texas last week voter expressed concerns violence women Rep. Joe Barton interested hearing them.The constituent asked Barton work Rep. Jackie Speier, Democrat, sponsor legislation could combat violence women topic much interested Congressman past: Given voting record opposing legislation protecting women violence, make commitment us today, make promise reach Congresswoman Jackie Speier work see bill successfully Congress? Barton says voted bill believes violence targeting women happens literally everywhere state issue, federal issue. His audience pleased. The crowd responded chrous boos. Violence women, national issue! one person yelled response. That issue impacts everyone everywhere, country, everywhere! But Barton done. Pointing finger man audacity suggest take moment care women, demanded: You, sir, shut up. You tell anybody shut up! man shouted back. You work us! Close 1,000 people attended town hall. It safe say left knowing voting next election. Watch below:Featured screengrab'
 b'Paratroopers Serbia United States jumped side-by-side north Belgrade Friday part training tailored bolster ties Balkan country NATO. The exercise dubbed Winter 2017, may raise eyebrows Moscow wants keep Serbia, Slavic Orthodox Christian ally umbrella, worried possible NATO expansion Balkans. It also long way 1999 NATO bombed Yugosla policies toward Kosovo. Although European Union Serbia single largest trade partner investor, Russia controls oil gas supplies. Moscow also sought bolster military ties Belgrade donation six MiG-29 fighter jets. Serbia one Balkan countries 28-member NATO hugely unpopular due 1999 bombing campaign. Alliance troops still deployed Kosovo, Serbia former southern province, whose 2008 independence accepted Belgrade, Russia, China EU members. But joint exercises take place anyway. After 100 paratroopers Serbian elite brigades U.S. Army 173rd Airborne Brigade landed grassy runway small airport near Belgrade, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic dubbed drill part confidence-building activities. The (goal) creation cooperation, partnerships friendships (in areas that) always able boast past, Vucic told reporters. In 2006 Serbia, maintains military neutrality, joined NATO Partnership Peace program 2015 signed Individual Partnership Action Plan - highest level cooperation countries aspiring join. Although strives balance Moscow West, rejecting calls U.S. officials pick side, Serbia 2017 13 military drills NATO members, seven U.S. two Russia.'
 b'Donald Trump shown fascination populist 19th-century U.S. president Andrew Jackson since occupied Oval Office, hanging "Old Hickory\'s" portrait Oval Office, visiting plantation Tennessee placing wreath tomb. In interview aired Sirius XM satellite radio Monday, Trump suggested Jackson governed little later 1829-1837 presidency, American Civil War might averted. Trump also questioned bloody conflict happen. "Had Andrew Jackson little later, Civil War. He tough person, big heart," Trump told Sirius XM. He said although Jackson "swashbuckler," wife died, Jackson visited grave every day. Jackson, slave owner instrumental forced removal Native American tribes U.S. Southeast so-called Trail Tears, died nearly 16 years start Civil War. But Trump told Sirius XM Jackson "was really angry saw happening regard Civil War.""He said, \xe2\x80\x98There\'s reason this,\'" Trump said. "People realize, know, Civil War \xe2\x80\x94 think it, why? People ask question, Civil War? Why could one worked out?" It clear Trump believed Jackson would done avert 1861-65 conflict, cost 620,000 lives. In tweet later Monday, Trump acknowledged Jackson died 16 years start war said "saw coming angry. Would never let happen!" The events leading Civil War extensively researched, slavery one root causes. Slavery legacy source division United States since. By time death, Jackson owned 150 slaves lived worked plantation, Hermitage. During time office, Jackson denounced growing activity abolitionists seeking end slavery. Trump supporters likened election victory Jackson\'s triumph 1828, Jackson became first U.S. president western frontier Tennessee. The populist Democrat famously opened White House comers inauguration, turning normally dignified executive mansion mob scene.'
 b'Patrick Henningsen 21st Century Has political reality finally set GOP presumptive nominee Donald Trump?With days Republican Party National Convention Quicken Loans Arena Cleveland, Ohio, presidential candidate Donald J. Trump finally abandoned pretence neutrality Israel-Palestine issue, firmly committed supporting Israeli settlement expansion territories seized illegally, also recognizing Palestinian State.After promising rhetoric previous displays good crucial foreign policy issue, exactly finally arrive back status quo?What started interesting, became promising, eventually settling Washington default position. On numerous past occasions GOP debate cycle along campaign trail, Trump stated feelings (which appeared air passion time) intentions secure peace deal open-ended Israel-Palestine conflict.The Israeli Lobby started get interested beginning December 2015, interview AP, Trump seemed blame Israel securing lasting peace agreement. I real question whether sides want make it, Trump said, explaining concerns predominantly reside one side particular [Israel]. He also hinted interested Jewish Republican money, chorus boos crowed, I bought . The outside money too. Later, slipped nationally televised GOP debate, Trump making sounds negotiating peace deal. Now true maverick, giving chase forbidden cow. Amid Trump wild gaffes ad hominem attacks, epiphany. At moment Trump really stood out, caught attention support whole new legion disaffected, disenfranchised moderates paddling fringe Trump wave.That it. Soon phone rang. It Sheldon.The Donald summoned one-on-one Las Vegas capo de capo himself, George Soros American right-wing politics, kingmaker, Lord Slots Supreme Master Macau, billionaire property, casino tycoon CEO Las Vegas Sands Corporation, 82 yr old Sheldon Adelson. It time Trump began shape-shift issue, favor Palestinians either. CAPO de CAPO? Donald Trump Sheldon AdelsonAdelson, committed Zionist backed numerous successful political careers, including Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu, commented meeting Republican candidate, He [Trump] talked potentially dividing Jerusalem Israel, I talked Israel newspaper, wife Israeli, know Israel people t. From point on, began process Trump rehabilitation Israel-Palestine.On March 10, 2016, stood Trump, still presumptive underdog, GOP Debate Miami alongside wall Republicans candidates firmly pockets Israel lobby including emissaries US Senate Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, Trump remarks illusive peace process could considered seminal way back then: I would like least side think I somewhat neutral them, maybe get deal done. Campaign rival Cruz hit back, questioning Trump support Israel saying, I think need commander chief neutral Palestinian terrorists one strongest allies world, nation Israel. Everyone, including media, seemed shocked Trump unorthodox comments went near catatonic issue afterwords. It Trump pole-vaulted perennial swamp GOP foreign policy platform. The Lobby waste time however. In eyes wider Israeli Lobby, taking neutral stance daring recognize Palestine Palestinians, synonymous attacking Israel Jews. This simple law political physics America moment remain long lobbyists continue shoveling millions dollars per month pockets prospective candidates elected officials nationwide.Predictably, attacked viciously opponents, especially Cruz. It seemed Trump broken ranks way unfathomable Republican politician seeking office United States America.Of course, Israeli press take kindly Trump vision peace harmony, point onward, pressure began mount Trump conform American political orthodoxy issue.Soon, Trump summoned March 21st, AIPAC, American-Israel Public Affairs Committee, delivered resounding speech seemed good enough lobby night, job finished yet.Later May, Trump continued evolve, employing doublespeak issue, saying would still like negotiate deal Israel keep building illegal settlements West Bank Palestine, Israel needs keep going keep moving forward. He stated: I love negotiate peace. I think that, me, all-time negotiation I would love see peace could negotiated. A lot people say deal possible. But I mean lasting peace, peace lasts two weeks start launching missiles again. So see happens. I think Israel really keep going. They keep moving forward [with constructing illegal settlements]. Finally, penny ultimately dropped. With GOP Big Tent event rapidly approaching, Trump platform Israel fully baked. Sputnik News reports: David M. Friedman, real-estate attorney serving Trump main advisor Israel, said Republican presidential candidate reality television star would support recognition Palestinian state without approval Israelis. Friedman also remarked Trump unconcerned inhabitants West Bank, nobody really knows many Palestinians live there. Trump made Friedman part campaign staff April, meeting Orthodox Jews, naming Jason Greenblatt, another real-estate lawyer Trump chief attorney, advisors Israel. Friedman said time, Mr. Trump confidence flattering. My views Israel well known, I would advise manner consistent views. America geopolitical interests best served strong secure Israel, Jerusalem undivided capital. Friedman made secret feelings two-state solution Palestine, writing that, It never solution, illusion served US Arabs. Another devastating blow native Palestinians, currently military occupation backed US tune $3 billion per year direct military aid (free money weapons equipment).Against former declarations contrary, Trump also accepting outside money, multiple sources. Funny political poles shift. How quickly raging populist becomes cynical realist. Even self-made billionaire, money still buys friends influence.With way, finally safe lobby get behind Donald general election, wish to.There is. The genealogy Donald Trump evolving stance Israel.*** Author Patrick Henningsen American writer global affairs analyst founder independent news analysis site 21st Century , host SUNDAY WIRE weekly radio show broadcast globally Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR). He written number international publications done extensive on-the-ground reporting conflict Syria, Iraq Middle East.READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century 2016 Files'
 b'Donald Trump says Federal Reserve stoked asset bubbles backs congressional review decisions. Bernie Sanders also wants "audit" Fed make less beholden Wall Street. Ted Cruz calls return gold standard abandoned 1933. Such voices 2016 presidential campaign emboldened lawmakers seek limit Fed\'s powers prompting current former Fed officials call steps placate U.S. central bank\'s harshest critics. More dozen insiders Fed watchers said interviews concerned next president could sympathetic critics\' views Fed grown powerful impenetrable. Confronted possible Republican push give Congress say shaping Fed policy, insiders say concessions may necessary protect Fed\'s independence. "There\'s deep-seated institutional fear crack door open, kicked in. But often that\'s case," said David Stockton, Fed\'s former research director fellow Peterson Institute International Economics. The concerns among group, includes current former regional presidents, growing despite expectation Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton, polls suggest win November, would help Fed preserve status-quo. The worries reflect balancing act central banks face world economy still sputters despite aggressive monetary easing. Central bankers getting blamed overstepping bounds enough bolster growth. Even U.S. economy outperforms, Fed especially vulnerable, ahead peers unwinding crisis-era stimulus. Chair Janet Yellen colleagues warned public speeches private meetings lawmakers initiatives make Fed accountable transparent could backfire. They defending decades-old, challenged, consensus Fed best safeguard long-term economic stability shielded direct political interference. The officials interviewed said Fed could take steps become open, responding promptly lawmaker requests information revealing rules thumb inform decisions rates. "The best response go defensive shell, instead Fed attempt influence terms changes coming," said Stockton. Some even embracing limited outside review Fed decisions - effectively version "audit" supported Trump, Sanders Cruz. While proposals Fed become open explaining informs decisions may get traction, interviewed acknowledge Fed leadership appears unlikely embrace audit major changes policy playbook. The Fed declined comment changes suggested interviews. Two separate bills proposed Republicans Senate House call government watchdog evaluate, "audit," policy decisions tie single policy rule Fed would adopt make public. Yellen colleagues say "audit" would expose Fed short-term political pressures, making policy less, predictable. The single rule policy would "severely impair" Fed\'s policymaking, Yellen warned, New York Fed President William Dudley compared going "on autopilot" face complex global challenges. Concern Republican initiatives particularly strong among 12 district presidents. Freshman Minneapolis Fed President Neel Kashkari told February interview Fed\'s credibility suffered recent economic crisis. The central bank needs abandon "Wizard Oz routine" tells Americans "we mysterious, smart, can\'t understand doing," said. Narayana Kocherlakota, predecessor, told think Fed policy lacked public oversight, central bank address concerns offer solutions. "Optics matter," said. "Simply continue say \xe2\x80\x98we\'re really transparent reason us change we\'re things\' - I think that\'s going work." Shortcomings current approach reiterating Fed\'s criticism proposed changes plain view Yellen\'s latest congressional testimony Feb. 10. In run-up, Yellen held 10 private discussions lawmakers January alone, including call Republican Representative Jeb Hensarling, chairs House Financial Services Committee backs rule-based policy bill. That however stop Hensarling putting Yellen spot, presenting letter prominent economists, including three Nobel Laureates several former Fed officials backed bill, labeling Yellen\'s warnings "apocalyptic" "hyperbolic." Yellen also taken task Democrats Fed\'s planned rate hikes said would disproportionately hurt minorities, saw cozy ties Wall Street. Kocherlakota, professor University Rochester, said scheduled audit, preferably every two years, "very manageable" way deal criticism avoid ad-hoc political meddling. In similar vein, Andrew Levin, former advisor Yellen, suggested Fed could meet halfway supporters rule-based policy disclosing benchmarks uses debates. "It\'s really hard understand Fed use benchmarks help explain they\'re doing," said Levin, Dartmouth College professor, citing example Taylor Rule rates tied levels inflation growth. By sharing information readily, Fed could also possibly improve relations Republicans, current former Fed officials said. That relationship strained drawn-out probe alleged 2012 leak sensitive policy details advisory firm Medley Global Advisors. Republican lawmakers requested transcripts information related case, Fed said limited much could disclose ongoing Justice Department investigation. Others say central bank open review regional structure dating back 1913, regional presidents selected. Today get picked district Fed directors appointed local bank groups Fed governors Washington, little public disclosure. The Fed Congress long history friction. A Brookings Institution paper published last week analyzed 879 bills proposed since 1947 found politicians usually try redefine Fed\'s powers economy falters, noting spike efforts since 2008 global financial crisis. The latest major changes came 1977 lawmakers clarified Fed\'s dual price stability employment mandate 2010, Dodd-Frank act gave Fed greater supervisory powers setting limits future emergency lending autonomy conduct it. "The approaching November elections compound uncertainty Fed," Sarah Binder Mark Spindel wrote paper. "We doubt path forward easy even best intentioned expert central bankers."'
 b'Three similar envelopes, one believed contain suspicious white powder, investigated police Tuesday Scottish parliament, source building said. The letters addressed Conservative lawmakers, Jamie Halcro Johnston, Liz Smith Edward Mountain, source said. One letters intercepted opened researcher first floor building two letters similar writing.'
 b'Flint Democrat Mayor Karen Weaver throwing hissy fit Trump unannounced visit broken, violent city Flint, MI. Mayor Weaver currently embroiled lawsuit former City Administrator Natasha Henderson blew whistle allegedly trying steer money charity local families campaign fund. Henderson claims wrongfully fired blowing whistle Hillary loyal minion, mayor city Flint. Donald Trump visiting broken, violent city Flint today, plans visit church Flint Water Treatment Plant. But one Hillary biggest cheerleaders throwing welcome mat Flint Mayor Karen Weaver says baffled visit, receive call Trump campaign ahead time.Does Trump need get clearance Hillary de facto Flint campaign manager visit violent broken city destroyed decades Democrats? I would think, concerned Flint people, would contact mayor want conversation going puts question mark mind I even contacted notified something today something tomorrow, says Weaver.Weaver Washington D.C. Flint Trump visit. I notified Donald Trump people finally, afternoon, call press person, I know. These plans made without contacting me. Her reaction contacted Trump campaign? That kind way supposed go I wish come things dire straits maybe even received help debates going on. We crying long time. The fact Trump rush Flint, MI photo-op Hillary Bernie making regular visits part pandering Black vote effort city ignored decades Democrats, speaks volumes Trump serious nature. Americans getting see firsthand successful businessman approaches serious issues vs. career politician promises fix issues real plan ever come back press packs leaves broken neighborhoods. Trump desire create jobs people unemployed decades real Democrats biggest fear message resonating forgotten neighborhoods.'
 b'Donald Trump political campaign become, last year, ground zero America anti-Semitic activity white supremacists, neo-Nazis others hate Jews ethnic minorities.The latest example comes Trump rally Phoeniz, Arizona, man caught yelling JEW-SA reporters sitting cordoned section Trump rally.Guy chants "Jew-S-A" front press pen pic.twitter.com/2yqgA6dD4k Nick Corasaniti (@NYTnickc) October 29, 2016The recorded Nick Corasantini covering Trump campaign New York Times.Trump campaign embraced supported so-called alt-right, rebranding white nationalists seek remove influence anyone white Christian America. The alt-right regularly promotes Nazi memes online off, repeatedly abused reporters commentators Jewish death threats, online attacks, more.Instead rejecting people, Trump campaign supported them. Trump re-posted messages retweets Twitter account, also given official credentials cover campaign report floor Republican National Convention Cleveland.Additionally, Trump son Donald Jr. gave interview white supremacist radio show, host lamented political correctness. Trump policies lauded white supremacists, specially anti-Muslim policies, especially proposal ban immigration United States Muslims.Former KKK member leader David Duke endorsed Trump, said inspired support Trump decided run U.S. Senate Louisiana. Duke attracted enough support within Republican Party qualify invitation Senate debate, held historically black university.In interview, Trump refused directly rebuke renounce Duke support, choosing TV. Many white supremacists took sign support Trump movement.Featured screen capture'
 b'SAN California governor Jerry Brown Thursday proposed funding increase state attorney general create 30 new positions dedicated combating President Donald Trump\'s policies. Democratic attorneys general states across country assumed lead roles opposing Republican president\'s agenda. State attorneys general Washington Hawaii successfully sued block Trump\'s executive orders restricting travel Muslim-majority countries, California attorney general Xavier Becerra pledged defend state\'s environmental standards health care access. Brown particularly outspoken Trump\'s policies. In budget revisions released Thursday, Brown\'s office proposed $6.5 million increase California\'s Department Justice, enough fund 31 positions address "various actions taken federal level impact public safety, healthcare, environment, consumer affairs general constitutional issues." The department expended 11,000 hours legal work response federal issues since Trump\'s inauguration January, according governor\'s office. Brown\'s proposals would approved California\'s legislature, dominated Democrats. At press conference, Brown repeatedly expressed need fight Trump administration health care reforms discussion Washington. The potential loss funds state\'s Medicaid program alone would enough fund University California system year, Brown said. Given backdrop, Brown said Becerra deserves "some latitude" pursuing litigation. A spokeswoman Becerra could immediately reached comment. Brown\'s budget also proposed $15 million increase expand legal services immigrants seeking assistance securing legal status United States fighting deportation.'
 b'35 people treated injuries others pronounced dead, including two police officers, following fascist protesters besieged Charlottesville, Virginia spewing racist anti-gay rhetoric. The Trump supporters became violent, one mowing 32-year-old woman crossing street one jaw-dropping episodes racism decades. Donald Trump offered tweets, finally clip express thoughts murder, lacking compassion. Trump cannot say words: right-wing terrorism supporters.Former President Barack Obama offered tweets express feelings aftermath event took Charlottesville storm.Obama, tweeted several weeks, used Nelson Mandella words respond violence world witnessed today. No one born hating another person color skin background religion Trump predecessor tweeted."No one born hating another person color skin background religion " pic.twitter.com/InZ58zkoAm Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017 People must learn hate, learn hate, taught love continued."People must learn hate, learn hate, taught love " Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017 For love comes naturally human heart opposite. Nelson Mandela, Obama added." For love comes naturally human heart opposite." Nelson Mandela Barack Obama (@BarackObama) August 13, 2017Joe Biden weighed in, too, tweeting, There one side. #charlottesville. There one side. #charlottesville Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 12, 2017James Alex Fields Jr., Trump supporter Ohio, identified driver mowed 32-year old woman. There blood streets fire fury Trump supporters eyes took feigned victimization innocent people. What happened today domestic terrorist attack right wingers, using Donald Trump name intimidate others, kill innocent people. Why Trump say words white supremacists ? It endorsed every racist group across board.Photo Alex Wong/Getty'
 b'This letter sent 100% FED Up! anonymous author:It matter support President 2016. This letter make want stand cheer 80 year old American expresses us feeling right now. Enjoy RNC P.O. Box 96994 Washington DC 20090-6994Dear Representative,From time I able vote I voted Republican. I 80 years old, great deal respect influence hundreds senior ball players also network thousands others around country.I received questionnaire request money strongly agree every question, I since Obama elected. Unfortunately one question missing What Republicans done American people? We gave majority House Senate, yet never listened us. Now want money.You concerned votes, money. You establishment, means want save jobs line pockets Well guess what? It going happen You shake boots I tell giving support TRUMP asked dime.You might think fools feel Trump self destruction course, need look beyond Washington listen masses. Nobody achieved has, especially liberal state New York.You clearly understand Trump movement strong, I like share analogy help explain Trump phenomenon. By way, Republicans feel ignored disrespected, plenty Democrats Independents also feel let Washington elite. You seem forgotten We The People hired represent us.So is, best analogy I could come with. Here reason many Americans boarded Trump Train, pleas come back party deserted us, falling deaf ears:You vacation two weeks, come home, basement infested raccoons. Hundreds rabid, messy, mean raccoons overtaken basement. You want gone immediately You call city four different exterminators, nobody could handle job. There one guy however, guarantees get rid them, hire him. You care guy smells, care guy swears, care many times married, care friends liberals, care plumber crack simply want raccoons gone! You want problem fixed! He guy. He best. Period. Here want Trump: Yes bit ass, yes egomaniac, care. The country mess politicians become self-serving. The Republican Party two-faced & gutless. Illegal aliens allowed invade nation. We want fixed! We care Trump crude, care insults people, care friendly Hillary, care changed positions, care married three times, care fights Megan Kelly Rosie O Donnell, care know name Muslim terrorist. This country weak, bankrupt, enemies making fun us, invaded illegal aliens bringing tens thousands Muslim refugees America, leaving Christians behind persecuted. We becoming nation victims every Tom, Ricardo Hasid part special group special rights, point even recognize country born raised in; AND WE JUST WANT IT FIXED Trump guy seems understand people want. We sick politicians. We sick Democratic Party Republican Party. We want thing fixed. Trump may saint, beholden lobbyist money political correctness restraining him. All know successful, excellent negotiator, built lot things, also politician. He definitely cowardly politician. When says fix it, believe much egotist proven wrong looked called liar.Oh yeah I forgot care guy bad hair either. We want raccoons gone. Out house. NOW!'
 b'The United States Wednesday called Myanmar military operation Rohingya population "ethnic cleansing" threatened targeted sanctions responsible called "horrendous atrocities." "The situation northern Rakhine state constitutes ethnic cleansing Rohingya," U.S. Secretary State Rex Tillerson said statement, using term avoided visiting Myanmar, also known Burma, last week. "The United States also pursue accountability U.S. law, including possible targeted sanctions" responsible alleged abuses, driven hundreds thousands Rohingya neighboring Bangladesh, said. The United States shifted stance part raise pressure Myanmar\'s military civilian leaders, shared power past two years uneasy arrangement decades military rule, address crisis. Rights monitors accused Myanmar\'s military atrocities, including killings, mass rape arson, stateless Rohingya so-called clearance operations Rohingya militants\' Aug. 25 attacks 30 police posts army base. More 600,000 Rohingya Muslims fled Rakhine state Buddhist-majority Myanmar, mostly neighboring Bangladesh, since crackdown, followed insurgent attacks. "These abuses among Burmese military, security forces, local vigilantes caused tremendous suffering forced hundreds thousands men, women, children flee homes," Tillerson said. While repeating U.S. condemnation insurgent attacks, added: "No provocation justify horrendous atrocities ensued." Myanmar\'s 2-year-old government, led Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, faced heavy international criticism response crisis, though control generals shares power. "It\'s situation completely authority, certainly counting show leadership also work civilian government military address crisis," senior U.S. official told reporters conference call. The term "ethnic cleansing" defined international U.S. law inherently carry specific consequences, second senior U.S. official said call. Murray Hiebert, Southeast Asia analyst Center Strategic International Studies think tank Washington, said State Department\'s use term threat sanctions "will likely limited impact ground." "It likely create distrust United States Myanmar\'s military government push closer China, Russia, authoritarian neighbors Southeast Asia," added. The U.S. move came day U.N. tribunal convicted former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic genocide crimes humanity massacres Bosnian Muslims ethnic cleansing campaigns, imprisoned life. The second U.S. official said Washington analyzing whether genocide crimes humanity occurred Myanmar, would violate international law, made determination either would take time assess. "In end court decide that, we\'ve seen verdict Mladic," said. A top U.N. official September described military actions textbook case "ethnic cleansing," United States Wednesday avoided term. Washington sought balance wish nurture civilian government Myanmar, competes influence China, desire hold military accountable abuses. U.S. officials also worry mistreatment Rohingya Muslim minority may fuel radicalism. The first U.S. official said Washington would work Bangladesh Myanmar encourage voluntary repatriation Rohingya. "We focused issue voluntary returns," official said. "We want people forced return situation feel uncomfortable." Congressional pressure tougher U.S. response Rohingya crisis mounted President Donald Trump\'s first visit Asia month attend summit Southeast Asian countries, including Myanmar, Manila. U.S. government sources told October officials preparing recommendation Tillerson would define military-led campaign Rohingya ethnic cleansing, could spur new sanctions. In early November, U.S. lawmakers proposed targeted sanctions travel restrictions Myanmar military officials. Rights group Amnesty International called comprehensive arms embargo Myanmar well targeted financial sanctions senior Myanmar military officials.'
 b'Republican Party chief Reince Priebus expressed confidence Saturday security able handle protests party\'s convention later month Cleveland, Donald Trump nominated Republican presidential candidate. Priebus, chairman Republican National Committee, told telephone interview tragic shootings Texas, Minnesota Louisiana recent days may lead peaceful discourse general across country. Cleveland police Friday tightened security plan July 18-21 Republican National Convention wake shootings. They also increased surveillance intelligence operations. The outpouring grief among Americans bloodshed could lead "more understanding polite discourse feeling support communities police," Priebus said, feeling understanding could also take place Cleveland. "We\'ve working really hard security. I\'m confident things going go well Cleveland. The police full force helpful protesters, also keep event safe free incident," said. Priebus, worked rally Republicans behind Trump, said convention serve vehicle unify party loyalists behind New York businessman whose incendiary rhetoric policy positions troubled Republicans. Priebus added "never Trump" movement ebbed believe rebellion among Republican delegates convention Trump would succeed. "It\'s one thing unhappy person win. I get part. But another step say I like way going, I\'m going take something away someone fair square. There\'s lot people willing that," said. Priebus, privately counseled Trump, said important continue making case Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton FBI concluded "extremely careless" handling sensitive emails President Barack Obama\'s secretary state. Trump, campaign rally Ohio Wednesday, sharply criticized Clinton outset, diverted attacking news media covering campaign. "In 45-minute rally, spent long time Hillary I think OK divert there, I think focusing Hillary important vision America important," Priebus said.'
 b'Billionaire industrialist Charles Koch, key source financing conservative Republican causes along brother, said Democrat Hillary Clinton might make better president candidates Republican field. Koch, interview air Sunday ABC\'s "This Week" program, said respects Bill Clinton better president George W. Bush, Koch said increased government spending. Then asked Hillary Clinton would better president Republicans currently running, said, "It\'s possible, possible." ABC said Koch, along brother David leads influential political organization called Freedom Partners, displeased far tone Republican presidential race, billionaire Donald Trump leads U.S. Senator Ted Cruz Texas Ohio Governor John Kasich. Asked could support Clinton Republicans, Koch responded, "We would believe actions would quite different rhetoric. Let put way." While many conservatives questioned Trump\'s commitment agenda, spokesman Koch brothers said last month would use money block winning Republican nomination.'
 b'HODEIDAH, YemenOne latest victims cholera epidemic killed 2,000 people Yemen yet even take first breath. Her mother Safaa Issa Kaheel, nine months pregnant, brought crowded clinic Western port city Hodeidah husband, borrow travel fare neighbor. My stomach started hurting more, said Kaheel, 37, hydrating drip hooked arm. Once there, referred nurse Hayam al-Shamaa ultrasound scan showed baby died dehydration - one 15 perish womb due cholera September October, according doctors city Thawra hospital. I felt like death, Kaheel said, voice strained. Thank god I survived (delivery), diarrhea stopped. The Red Cross warned cholera, diarrheal disease eradicated developed countries, could infect million people Yemen end year. Two half years war sapped Yemen money medical facilities needs battle contagion, aid agencies medics say poor, starving, pregnant young vulnerable. The cholera ward full children - writhing agony, others eerily still. The blanket one boy weak move rises falls shallow breathing. Save Children said August children 15 represent nearly half new cases third deaths, malnourished children six times likely die cholera well-fed ones. Millions Yemenis struggling find food baking desert plains around Hodeidah hotspots hunger sickness. Yemen war pits armed Houthi movement internationally recognized government President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, backed Saudi-led coalition launched thousands air strikes restore power. At least 10,000 people killed conflict. The country health sector badly battered struggle central bank left public sector salaries doctors sanitation workers unpaid. Soumaya Beltifa, spokesperson Red Cross Sanaa, warned lack funds health personnel blunting efforts eradicate disease, making unlikely Yemen would healthy soon. The cholera epidemic become norm, leading complacency dealing disease, civilians also various (aid) organizations, warned.'
 b'Veteran investigative reporter Carl Bernstein outed Donald Trump fascist Sunday, believe Google definition fascism see right.During appearance , Bernstein asked Brian Stelter thinks Trump neo-fascist former Washington Post reporter broke Watergate scandal wide open 1970s obliged. It difficult term, word neo lot meaning new kind fascist culture, dealing authoritarian demagogic point view, Bernstein began. Nativist, racist, anti-immigrant bigotry appeals to. I think need look past I talking Hitlerism genocide. I drawing direct paralel Mussolini.But kind American fascism seen before. This goes beyond George Wallace, merely racist. This goes authoritarianism desire strong man trust institutions democracy government. Bernstein slammed media examining Trump fascism closely campaign. We need cable news debate, historical debate fascism Donald Trump fits picture. Because something foreign political cutltue terms 20th, 21st century. That going print online part debate cable. No interviewer far I know asked Donald Trump, fascism, Mr. Trump, different fascist message? When asked confirm calling Trump neo-fascist, Bernstein responded affirmative, pointing Trump incites violence rallies uses methodology similar ones used fascist leaders past, includes nativism. Berstein also stressed never used term describe living American politician. Here YouTube.Bernstein first point Donald Trump acting awful lot like fascist.The Daily Show Trevor Noah also perfectly demonstrated Trump fascist.Fascism cult action, celebrating aggressive masculinity, fear outsiders, intense nationalism, intolerance criticism, resentment national humiliation Noah Daily Show team discovered. I shitting myself, Noah remarked. It lines perfectly, it? It almost stops funny watching it. And even actor George Clooney called Trump fascist interview The Guardian earlier month.And quite frankly, Bernstein, Noah, Clooney correct say Donald Trump fascist. For months, Trump viciously attacked immigrants journalists bragging masculinity America needs bully world. He also adopted anti-women rhetoric even managed lead supporters pledging Nazi salute looked eerily like something Nazi Germany.Make mistake, Trump scary becoming frightening moves closer winning Republican nomination. We could, indeed, watching first fascist rise national power United States. Don believe me? Just click here.And need proof, consider this. Earlier month, Holocaust survivor spoke said Trump reminded lot Adolf Hitler. If make believe Trump fascist seriously threatens nation, nothing will. Featured Twitter'
 b'Are tired supporting companies care less future nation? Are tired giving jobs people break laws enter country vetted UN coming State Department sponsored program dime? Then take stand STOP supporting them! When I saw article Wall Street Journal morning gushes wonderful International Rescue Committee giving loans refugees start businesses, goes talk industries need cheap immigrant labor, I wanted scream.Four meat giants changing face rural America, Cargill one those. It cheap labor! It money!Meet globalist CEO Cargill, David MacLennan, Davos. One key players changing rural towns America working US State Department refugee contractors bring large numbers Somali workers.Today posted Amarillo, TX enormous social economic tension. It Cargill originally responsible overloading (with help UN/US State Department refugee resettlement contractors) city.Last week Cargill caving CAIR demands dispute prayer break times plant Ft. Morgan, CO.One important features new blog American Resistance 2016! showcase enemy. I want responsible mass migration America become household names! Here list products find Cargill website: Swift Pork productsList Beef productsList Chicken productsList additional FOOD productsHere map showing Cargill facilities across North America:And, work Election 2016, I want identify elected officials pockets BIG MEAT! expose them!Refugee resettlement humanitarianism! It globalists greedy industries wanting improve bottom lines social economic condition towns cities damned! : Refugee Resettlement Watch'
 b'Writing Twitter Sunday, All Family star mentioned Fox News report Trump campaign alleged collusion Russia 2016 election. When Fox says DT colluding enemy crime, fight save Democracy war. US-Stay strong. #Treason, wrote.When Fox says DT colluding enemy crime, fight save Democracy war. US-Stay strong. #Treason Rob Reiner (@robreiner) June 25, 2017One favorite conservatives Twitter, Nick Short politicallyshort.com warned Hollywood crybaby Rob Reiner careful wishes for: There collusion, keep propaganda. You hollywood folks need watch mouths calling "war". You might get it. https://t.co/KK8Eqh2Mq8 Nick Short (@PoliticalShort) June 25, 2017Hollywood conservatives hammered Reiner Twitter reckless remarks calling action President Trump:Hollywood actress comedian Rosanne Barr called Rob Reiner comments, fake news .FAKE NEWS Roseanne Barr (@therealroseanne) June 26, 2017Hollywood actor Nick Searcy blasts Reiner:https://twitter.com/yesnicksearcy/status/879471613867155460Comedian Mark Dice asks Reiner trying incite another Democrat terror incident?Is dog-whistle incite another radical liberal terrorist shoot people? Mark Dice (@MarkDice) June 27, 2017Hey Meathead real collusion Russia:Ever hear #UraniumOne meathead?They involved #Russia Even #Podesta pic.twitter.com/8Xa3bzDu2Y covfefeand (@DJTsavesAmerica) June 26, 2017These responses Reiner tweet plain hilarious:Due us Favor! pic.twitter.com/Lei8JiMSMq Joey Brooklyn (@Joe_America1776) June 26, 2017Archie correct named meathead Vince (@seriousserb) June 25, 2017'
 b'A Papua New Guinea court given hundreds asylum-seekers held years controversial Australian detention center right sue PNG government compensation, Australian media reported Saturday. Papua New Guinea Supreme Court rejected attempt PNG government stop asylum-seekers seeking compensation Friday, Australian Broadcasting Corporation reported. The government tried argue time frame attempts sue compensation passed court rejected application. The finding opens way major compensation also consequential orders PNG Australian governments, Refugee Action Coalition spokesman Ian Rintoul told Australian Associated Press. The decision comes two months PNG government closed detention center remote Manus Island, housed 400 male asylum-seekers. Conditions camp, another tiny Pacific island Nauru, widely criticized United Nations human rights groups. The two camps cornerstones Australia contentious immigration policy, refuses allow asylum-seekers arriving boat reach shores. The policy, aimed deterring people making perilous sea voyage Australia, bipartisan political support. The closure Manus island camp, criticized United Nations shocking , caused chaos, men refusing leave compound fear attacked Manus island residents. Staff left closed compound men left without food, water, power medical support expelled moved transit camp. Papua New Guinea Supreme Court declared 2016 detention asylum-seekers behalf Australian government illegal breached asylum-seekers fundamental human rights. The asylum-seekers go back court February seek orders Australia Papua New Guinea settled safe third country. The United States announced Friday agreed accept 200 refugees Manus island Nauru deal struck Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull former U.S. President Barack Obama. Another 50 refugees already accepted part deal, Australia agreed accept refugees Central America. U.S President Donald Trump called deal dumb .'
 b'You know fears conservatives dismiss Trump going get us another world war? Well, concerns real based said press conference Seoul, South Korea. It time act urgency great determination, Trump said press conference. North Korea worldwide threat requires worldwide action. We call every responsible nation including China Russia demand North Korean regime end nuclear weapons missile programs, The Donald said. The United States stands prepared defend allies using full range unmatched military capabilities need be, Trump said, desperately trying wag dog effort distract mounting criminal indictments associates.Is wonder seemingly South Koreans showed protest Trump Americans attended inauguration? Trump getting desperate, seems decided war way go wants escape situation put unscathed.Watch Trump tell world kill us distract bullsh*t below:US President Trump: North Korea worldwide threat requires worldwide action https://t.co/EQixZGcdRR pic.twitter.com/z6BToFOUQP International (@cnni) November 7, 2017Featured screengrab'
 b',The widow U.S. Army sergeant killed Niger month said Monday President Donald Trump made cry even worse condolence telephone call said husband knew signed for. Myeshia Johnson comments ABC interview, first media call Trump, fueled controversy raged week president handled consoling relatives slain service members. After interview aired, Trump defended himself, saying Twitter post conversation Johnson respectful. In Good Morning America interview, Johnson also said told little husband, Sergeant La David T. Johnson, killed allowed see body. La David Johnson one four U.S. Army special forces soldiers killed Oct. 4 ambush West African nation. Last week, member U.S. House Representatives friend Johnson family, Frederica Wilson, said listened call speakerphone car rode receive late sergeant body Miami airport, Trump upset relatives. That drew rebuke president, dubbed Wilson wacky denied account. I say congresswoman said, Trump told reporters last week. I nice conversation woman, wife ... sounded like lovely woman. In Monday interview, Myeshia Johnson said, The president said (her husband) knew signed for, hurts anyway ... And made cry I angry tone voice remember husband name. In tweet interview aired, Trump said, I respectful conversation widow Sgt. La David Johnson, spoke name beginning, without hesitation! Johnson said military told little happened husband comrades Niger, 800 U.S. troops engaged counter-terrorism operations affiliate Islamic State militant group. She also said upset allowed see body. I know box, said coffin. It could empty I know. Johnson said say anything call president, adding afterward, upset hurt. It made cry even worse. Asked might tell Trump, said nothing say him. Republican U.S. Senator John McCain, veteran spent five years prisoner war North Vietnam chairs Senate Armed Services Committee, said Monday lawmakers want answers ambush Niger. We fighting brave American lost life serving country. That topic America today, told ABC The View program, adding committee needed information incident. Unless learn lessons, going repeat them, said. In separate interviews Sunday, Republican Senator Lindsey Graham Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer said backed McCain efforts get details, aware United States many military personnel Niger. U.S. forces direct combat role Niger, help army intelligence reconnaissance government efforts target violent extremist groups. The current controversy erupted Trump said week ago predecessors president anything console relatives fallen soldiers. He back claim shown false. [nL2N1MS0M9] The acrimony generated around call Johnson echoed controversy last year presidential campaign, Trump sparred Khizr Khan Ghazala Khan, whose son killed serving Iraq 2004.'
 b'U.S. President Donald Trump urged fellow Republicans Friday begin work tax reform legislation immediately, exhorting hurry two days stunned members party overtures opposition Democrats. "Republicans must start Tax Reform/Tax Cut legislation ASAP. Don\'t wait end September. Needed ever. Hurry!" Trump wrote Twitter.'
 b'The news gets worse every day Clinton Crime Syndicate News Exclusive: Hillary Clinton private email server housed physical location network email server used operated Clinton Foundation, News exclusively learned.Records reveal Hillary Clinton private clintonemail.com server shared IP address husband Bill Clinton email server, presidentclinton.com, servers housed New York City, basement Clintons Chappaqua, New York home.Web archives show Presidentclinton.com Web address operated Clinton Foundation 2009, Hillary Clinton registered clintonemail.com server.Numerous Clinton Foundation employees used presidentclinton.com server email addresses, means using email accounts that, hacked, would given hacker complete access Hillary Clinton State Department emails, well.The bombshell revelation raises new concerns possible illegality Hillary Clinton private email use. The former Secretary State federal investigation potentially violating Espionage Act allowing people without security clearance access classified information. The fact Hillary sharing email network private foundation means people without security clearance almost certainly physical access server working State Department.Here know:The Servers Have The SAME IP AddressHillary clintonemail.com server Foundation-run presidentclinton.com email server exactly IP address, SSL certificate (which organization purchases email server verify trustworthiness).mail.clintonemail.com mail.presidentclinton.com IP address, according SSL Certificate Checker.The two servers IP address,, according DNS records. (Here records Hillary server, records Bill server).Both servers IP address, according another independent Internet records database, robtex.net.The fact email servers IP address means operating network, sharing physical space. A computer expert tells News servers probably operating machine. It also possible operating different machines network, still means machines would close enough exist physical location.President Clinton server created 2002, Hillary created 2009, means Hillary server simply added Bill Foundation-run server network.They Had The SAME IP Address When She Was Secretary StateHillary server Bill Foundation-run server also shared different IP address tenure Secretary State.From September 8, 2009 June 24, 2011, Bill Clinton Foundation-run mail.presidentclinton.com server IP address, according DNS records.Hillary mail.clintonemail.com server exact IP address,, dates May 21, 2010 October 21, 2010, according DNS records.Their Shared IP Address Can Be Traced Midtown ManhattanA geographical search IP address servers shared registration traces Midtown Manhattan, according three different databases: infosniper.net, locates Midtown latitude/longitude point, ip-tracker.org, also gives Midtown latitude/longitude point, whatsmyip.org.Clinton Foundation headquarters currently located 1271 6th Avenue Midtown. Bill Clinton office 55 West 125th StreetThe Denver-based firm Platte River Networks told News physically moved Hillary Clinton private email server basement Chappaqua home 2013. But Clintons could moved server Manhattan Chappaqua Platte River got there.Clinton Founation Employees Had presidentclinton.com email addressesThe employees used presidentclinton.com email addresses included former Bill Clinton right-hand man Doug Band, well Justin Cooper, Hillary aide worked Foundation, Terry Krinvic, Laura Graham, John Zimmerebner.Was Chelsea Clinton On The Server?The email server mail.chelseaoffice.com, longer active, resolves clintonemail.com, according DNS records. Wikileaks confirms chelseaoffice.com server used Chelsea Clinton employees.Hillary Even Admitted That She Used Her Husband System Well system used set President Clintons office numerous safeguards property guarded Secret Service security breaches, I think use server started husband proved effective secure, Hillary Clinton said March 2015 press conference.Clinton returned talking point since.The Clinton Foundation Hillary Clinton campaign return requests comment press time. : News'
 b'The U.S. Congressional Budget Office said Monday able provide specific estimates impact insurance coverage premiums preliminary assessment Republican healthcare bill plans release early next week. "CBO provide much qualitative information possible effects legislation, however CBO able provide point estimates effects deficit, health insurance coverage, premiums least several weeks," non-partisan agency said statement Graham-Cassidy healthcare proposal.'
 b'NEW A U.S. judge Monday ordered unsealing application used obtain search warrant allowed FBI gain access emails related Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton\'s private server Nov. 8 election. U.S. District Judge Kevin Castel Manhattan directed release Tuesday redacted materials used obtain search warrant Federal Bureau Investigation Director James Comey informed Congress newly discovered emails Oct. 28. Comey\'s letter drew new attention damaging issue Clinton, Democratic presidential nominee, roiled campaign 11 days Nov. 8 election, Republican Donald Trump. The search warrant materials\' release sought Randol Schoenberg, Los Angeles-based lawyer, court papers said transparency crucial given potential influence probe election\'s outcome. Sources close investigation said emails discovered unrelated probe former Democratic U.S. Representative Anthony Weiner, estranged husband top Clinton aide Huma Abedin. In order, Castel said would allow redaction identities two unnamed individuals, one subject "ongoing criminal investigation." But said "strong presumption access attached search warrant related materials overcome remaining privacy interest Secretary Clinton." Lawyers Clinton Abedin immediately respond requests comment, U.S. Justice Department. A lawyer Weiner immediate comment. Clinton used server secretary state 2009 2013. In July, Comey recommended criminal charges brought Clinton\'s handing classified information emails, although said colleagues "extremely careless" handling information. In Oct. 28 letter Congress, Comey said emails potentially related Clinton server probe discovered "unrelated case." Sources close investigation said emails discovered unrelated probe Weiner following media report engaged sexually explicit cellphone online messaging 15-year-old girl. Federal investigators got warrant examine emails see related probe Clinton\'s private server. Only two days election, Comey disclosed emails nothing change earlier recommendation.'
 b'Saudi Arabia first time allow women attend sports events, preparing special sections three selected stadiums early next year another step toward opening public spaces women. The stadiums Jeddah, Dammam Riyadh set accommodate families early 2018, said statement General Sports Authority, carried state-run Saudi Press Agency late Sunday. Last month Saudi Arabia announced that, June, women would allowed drive cars, ending world ban female driving. An economic social reform program led Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman aims open cloistered lifestyles, shaped part strict, conservative version Sunni Islam limits role women. Prince Mohammed also seeks diversify economy away oil part proposed reforms. The crown prince first Saudi leader since 1953 hail new generation inherits throne; father Salman sixth brother row serve king. The kingdom adheres austere Wahhabi brand Sunni Islam, bans gender mixing, concerts cinemas. Women required receive permission male guardian obtain passports leave country. Some social aspects reforms criticised clerics Saudis social media. Saudi authorities also starting reform areas exclusive domain clergy, education, courts law, promoted elements national identity religious component pre-date Islam. Prince Mohammed told businessmen reporters major investment forum last week country would cleave open tolerant interpretation Islam.'
 b'When White House correspondent April Ryan challenged Sarah Sanders pie making skills Thanksgiving holiday (see below), Sarah determined prove actually makes pecan pies look good.Fast forward: Sarah trolled April tweet showing pie-making ingredients:Ingredients mixed pies oven! @AprilDRyan let know need documentation #piegate pic.twitter.com/OVYLg1gBgO Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) December 14, 2017Sarah handled great humor grace: @PressSec TRUE role model Beautiful, Intelligent, witty & talented! Just like dad, @GovMikeHuckabee bring us class, love & hope. This looks amazing Sarah! #SarahHuckabeeSanders#IAlwaysStandWithSarah#WHPressCorpsPotluck#PieGate NO @AprilDRyan#MAGA pic.twitter.com/pT0SmXKqBy FeistyChristine (@FeistyCovfefe) December 14, 2017So today, Sarah brought cooked pies give April We call Humble Pie While indications point extensive @FBI DOJ POLITICAL CORRUPTION, Media @AprilDRyan focused #piegate, questioning whether @PressSec Sarah Sanders make homemade Chocolate pecan pie pic.twitter.com/hFiF83jEuP Boston Bobblehead (@DBloom451) December 14, 2017Press Secretary Sarah Sanders shares home made pecan pies April press. #piegate pic.twitter.com/Fn7xQRp8pB TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii) December 14, 2017HOW PIEGATE STARTED: political analyst spent Thanksgiving Day consumed hate President Trump White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders, removed doubt Twitter followers may possibility objective bone body. political analyst American Urban Radio Networks White House correspondent April Ryan suggested, without evidence, Friday White House press secretary Sarah Sanders actually actually cook pecan pie Sanders said did.Here Sanders tweet got April Ryan skin:I dont cook much days, managed Chocolate Pecan Pie Thanksgiving family farm! pic.twitter.com/rO8nFxtly7 Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 23, 2017Ryan responded actually demanding Sanders post picture pie white background, show Twitter users pie table!Show us table. https://t.co/ifeSBlSZW7 AprilDRyan (@AprilDRyan) November 24, 2017Ryan took step doubled down, letting Twitter users know legitimacy Sanders claim baked pecan pie laughing matter.I trying funny folks already saying #piegate #fakepie Show us table folks eating pic cooking it. I getting biggest laugh this. I thankful laugh Black Friday! https://t.co/ifeSBlSZW7 AprilDRyan (@AprilDRyan) November 24, 2017Ryan frequently praised liberals nuisance White House press briefing room, failed present evidence Friday, except claims random Twitter users, Sanders faked pie. Ryan respond reporter asked proof.A reverse search find pictures pecan pie Sanders posted.The White House press secretary responded Ryan criticism said make journalist pie own.-Daily CallerDon worry @AprilDRyan I nice I bake one next week #RealPie #FakeNews https://t.co/5W3mGbKs4J Sarah Sanders (@PressSec) November 24, 2017While hundreds liberal Twitter users jumped Ryan thread, way drum hate brilliant witty conservative Press Secretary, Sanders definitely got fair share support. Conservative actor James Woods make secret thankful Thanksgiving Day Sarah Huckabee Sanders, best thing happen modern American journalism. One final reason thankful today: @SarahHuckabee She best thing happen modern American journalism. The # liberal minions melt intelligence, wit, sheer fortitude like snowflakes desert. James Woods (@RealJamesWoods) November 24, 2017Twitter user, Vanessa Vega nailed tweet response Sanders reply Ryan ridiculous claim:It burns up. That graceful intelligent woman like holds WH positions, rocks it, amazing mother baked pie traditional American Holiday. keep @PressSec !! We grateful & haters entertaining watch Vanessa Vega (@EscbrRoX2017) November 25, 2017'
 b'The second day Democratic National Convention took emotional turn group black women, whose children lives lost long time, stepped stage began tell heartbreaking stories say emphatically: Black Lives Matter.The room hushed Mothers Movement told children violent ways left earth. Geneva Reed-Veal (mother Sandra Bland), Lucia Bath (Jordan Davis) Sybrina Fulton (Trayvon Martin) explained crowd delegates standing front them, somewhere never expected be. Their stories brought DNC tears. You stop parent child dies. I still Jordan Davis mother. His life ended day shot killed playing loud music. But job mother t, Bath said. I lived fear son would die like this. I even warned young, black man, would meet people value life, said. That conversation parent ever have. So naturally, right-wing racists came droves.@Tyronem07172460 @RedPillTweets The mothers movement freaking joke. group idiots didnt raised kids properly. Mauricio (@Shelby14_02) July 27, 2016There #FathersOfTheMovement. They ran out!#MothersoftheMovement Donald Bateman (@NationalismRise) July 27, 2016LMAOOOO, Mothers Movement stage. AKA, women raised sons beat, fight with, shoot, aim police & ppl. Dav (@DavosFox118) July 27, 2016Mothers movement I say Mothers Racist Hate Group Black Lives Matter Trever Talley (@trever_talley) July 27, 2016#MothersoftheMovement If actually cared kids, would still alive. No sympathy me. #FunctioningIlliterates. DNC IS CORRUPT (@PCiscancerous) July 27, 2016Mother victims police violence? must done great job raising Mothers Movement #DemConvention rewrite omitted#7089 (@JohnFict) July 27, 2016Despite reactions bigots, stories grieving mothers powerful heartwrenching. The inclusion Mothers Movement DNC proof Democratic party Hillary Clinton believe Black Lives Matter.You watch mothers give moving speech here: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eW8_tr3JCEk]Featured Alex Wong/Getty'
 b'A federal lawsuit filed officials Dietrich High School, located Dietrich, Idaho, claims coaches staff school contributed environment racist bullying, culminated vicious rape Black teen three white students.As KBOI reports here, 17-year-old Tanner Ward 18-year-old John Howard, along third student named, facing felony sexual assault charges, authorities say carried vicious sexual assault disabled student.The three white students used coat hanger rape Black classmate school locker room, last October.According New York Daily News:A witness testified Ward initiated heartless attack Howard one kicked coat hanger five six times jammed inside boy rectum, causing painful injuries required hospital treatment.The victim, testified first time rape last month, told court remembers three students laughing throughout brutal assault.According suit, coaches school officials created atmosphere racist bullying mentally disabled teen tolerated encouraged.The suit alleges football coaches urged students, including Howard, beat-up teen, claiming would toughen up. KBOI reports victim made wear boxing gloves, Howard encouraged fight bare-handed.During incident, students coaches surrounded Black teen, shouting racial slurs him. The nighttime fight, referred coaches students, ended disabled teen knocked unconscious Howard.This one many instances racist bullying described suit, states victim taunted called racist names members team names include Kool-Aid chicken eater watermelon n r, course several months.According New York Daily News:Howard, portrayed court documents ringleader merciless harassment, accused forcing black boy sing Ku Klux Klan song learned Texas, called Notorious KKK. Howard also encouraged football players join vicious bullying, suit alleges.The suit, seeks $10 million damages, alleges coaches school officials knew happening, failed duty protect disabled student.As KTVB reports below, since filing suit victim family experienced harassment local residents. The school placed lockdown Wednesday, news story broke nationally.Here story KTVB. credit: screen capture KTVB'
 b'Pakistan allowed wife mother Indian man convicted spying visit Monday Islamabad, eight months sentenced death military court. Kulbhushan Sudhir Jadhav, former officer Indian navy, arrested March 2016 Pakistan province Baluchistan, long-running conflict national security forces militant separatists. The case added tensions nuclear-armed neighbors, often accuse violating 2003 ceasefire along disputed border Kashmir, countries sometime engage intense artillery duels. Pakistan released picture Jadhav mother, Avanti, wife, Chetankul, seated desk speaking behind glass window. The mother wife Commander Jadhav sitting comfortably Ministry Foreign Affairs Pakistan. We honor commitments, spokesman Pakistan foreign office, Mohammad Faisal, said earlier Twitter posting women first arrived ministry Islamabad. India foreign affairs office responded request comment meeting. After Jadhav sentenced death April, India asked World Court injunction bar execution, arguing denied diplomatic assistance says unfair trial. The World Court ordered Pakistan May delay Jadhav execution, said Islamabad violated treaty guaranteeing diplomatic assistance foreigners accused crimes. Pakistan authorities say Jadhav confessed ordered India intelligence service conduct espionage sabotage Baluchistan destabilize wage war Pakistan . Baluchistan center $57 billion Chinese-backed Belt Road development project first focused Chinese companies building roads power stations, expanding include setting industries. In transcript released Pakistan says Jadhav confession, former naval officer says disrupting Chinese-funded projects main goal activities.'
 b'MANCHESTER, N.H.Two Republican U.S. presidential hopefuls said Saturday would implement quarantines travelers necessary stop spread Zika virus. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, garnered international attention 2014 quarantined nurse returned United States treating Ebola patients, said would hesitate again. "You bet I would," Christie said debate New Hampshire Republican contenders White House. Ben Carson, retired neurosurgeon, said using quarantine "not simple issue" evidence Zika infection spreading, would utilize quarantine. The Zika virus carried mosquitoes, transmit humans. Two suspected cases sexual transmission United States also raise questions ways Zika may spread. The virus affecting large parts Latin American Caribbean. The World Health Organization declared outbreak international health emergency Feb. 1, citing "strongly suspected" relationship Zika infection pregnancy microcephaly - condition marked abnormally small head size result developmental problems.'
 b'The FBI defines terrorism unlawful use force violence persons property intimidate coerce government, civilian population, segment thereof, furtherance political social objectives. FBI Director says investigated hate crime terrorism:'
 b'The White House confirmed FOX Business Priebus would heading back Washington D.C. stop Saudi Arabia, part president visit Middle East, insisted always part administration plan.Natalie Strom, assistant press secretary White House, told FOX Business, It always planned Reince return Washington following Saudi Arabia portion trip. It big week D.C. president agenda budget release coming soon discussions continuing tax reform, needed back home that. When asked officials would coming home, Strom said, Only senior administration officials staying whole trip, typical kinds trips. They attending stops pertain responsibilities. Off top head I know Secretary [of State] Tillerson General McMaster entirety. As FOX Business reported Friday, Priebus position White House jeopardy National Economic Council Director Gary Cohn Office Management Budget Director Mick Mulvaney candidates consideration replace president decides go route, according sources close situation.On Friday, White House deny possibility Priebus could replaced.While administration may believe typical officials stay others head home, according experts outside White House, unusual chief staff head home early important trip. FOX Business'
 b'Nothing says tolerance like putting loaded gun strangers head disagree flag holding A family threatened gunpoint waving Confederate flag private property another illustration controversy surrounding flag driving animosity.The incident occurred Monday night Moseley, Virginia family expressing First Amendment right waving flag driveway next busy highway. A man driving SUV pulled driveway, took gun, chambered round, pointed family started yelling. He slammed brakes got right beside me, pulled gun, chambered round told cause worth anything now, Mark Wilson told CBS 6. He got car took three steps towards gun maybe six inches head. Wilson said concerned gunman would shoot children. 46-year-old James Baker later arrested police brandishing weapon. Baker dubiously claimed family threatened life. This busy highway vehicle going 70 miles per hour, threatening walking across? said Wilson, called Baker sent jail. The police went investigated let go, admitted everything let go, added Wilson.Baker court September 3 facing class one misdemeanor charge.Wilson asserted decision fly flag founded desire express pride southern heritage nothing racism. I gonna scared away people acting ignorant trying act violent violent thing. This race thing, heritage thing, Wilson told NBC 12.The nature confrontation clearly illustrates gunman political gripe family displaying Confederate flag, become target irate leftists aftermath Charleston shooting.On Monday reported new viral Twitter craze called #NoFlaggingChallenge Black Lives Matter supporters using encourage Americans violate people private property rights steal Confederate flags displayed privately owned homes vehicles.Given flags predominantly displayed southern states private ownership firearms common, many social media warning stunt could end people shot dead.: Infowars'
 b'The Trump administration condemned called "anti-police atmosphere" America called law enforcement effective policing statement White House website President Donald Trump\'s inauguration. "The dangerous anti-police atmosphere America wrong. The Trump administration end it," said statement (www.whitehouse.gov) taken new administration. The statement said Trump still committed building border wall stop illegal immigration, adding, "Our country needs law enforcement, community engagement, effective policing."'
 b'MAINZ, GermanyGermany Sept. 24 national election shown country divided new, less visible walls , President Frank-Walter Steinmeier said Tuesday, anniversary German reunification. Speaking 27 years East West Germany reunited following 1989 fall Berlin Wall, Steinmeier said election, saw far-right enter parliament, exposed large small cracks society called democratic lawmakers work together fight return nationalism. On September 24th, became clear walls arisen, less visible, without barbed death-strips, walls stand way common sense us , Steinmeier said speech western city Mainz. Chancellor Angela Merkel fourth term office election, vote brought far-right party parliament first time half century. A fractured vote means govern far less stable coalition. Merkel, grew communist East Germany, said reunification anniversary day joy . Reunified Germany carried responsibility uphold freedom home abroad, said. We know cannot disconnect going world. Rather, must take care globalization constructed humanely, added celebrations Mainz. But Steinmeier, center-left Social Democrat foreign minister taking largely ceremonial presidency role March, said Germany walls living environments . He said sprung city country, online offline, poor rich, old young - walls, behind people hardly understand anything other. A poll Monday showed nearly two-thirds Germans still see divisions former communist East West, sort Berlin Wall head . In Germany new parliament, comprising six party groups compared four previously, political culture change , Steinmeier said. The far-right Alternative Germany (AfD) vowed hunt new government, whatever make-up. The president urged lawmakers show democrats better solutions abuse democracy , never allow return nationalism. He said Germany needed sense homeland common, democratic, way forward. A leading member AfD, Alexander Gauland, provoked outrage last month saying Germans longer reproached Nazi past take pride soldiers achieved World War One Two. Steinmeier said Germany needed honest discussion immigration - issue fueled rise AfD Merkel 2015 decision leave German borders open around 1 million refugees, mostly fleeing war Middle East. He called discussion much migration Germany wants, needs, adding could mean new guidelines. In view, means simply wishing away migration ... defining legal admission Germany, regulates controls migration stipulations, said.'
 b'Wow! What couple hypocrites haters! We included contact info two male liberal columnists let know tacky disgraceful mocking Sarah Sanders.UPDATE: HORSEY ISSUED AN APOLOGY AFTER BACKLASH BUT HIS CARTOON IS STILL IN THE ARTICLE! I want apologize Times readers Sarah Huckabee Sanders description insensitive failed meet standards newspaper. It also failed meet expectations I myself. It surely last mistake, particular error scrupulously avoided future commentaries. I removed offending description. David HorseySHE MUST BE GETTING UNDER THEIR SKIN:Two male, liberal columnists week launched personal attacks White House press secretary Sarah Sanders.DAVID HORSEY OF LA TIMES:Los Angeles Times columnist David Horsey mocked Sanders appearance (he later deleted part), saying looks like slightly chunky soccer mom organizes snacks kids games. Rather fake eyelashes formal dresses puts news briefings, Sanders seems comfortable sweats running shoes, Horsey wrote Wednesday. Yet, even Trump privately wishes supermodel press secretary, lucky Sanders. He also cartoonist. This horrible cartoon Sanders article: BIG MOTHER ???Please contact Horsey twitter let know total jerk mock woman like this: David Horsey TwitterNY TIMES BASHES SANDERS TOO:Another columnist, New York Times Frank Bruni, similarly went way Friday bash Sanders personal characteristics, case way speaking.Bruni wrote Sanders serving function communication, turns forte. To listen pronounce priorities akin hearing air seep flat tire, leaves half consonants curb, Bruni added parenthetically, mocking Sanders Southern accent.Bruni calls Sanders phony: She bogus message Middle America Trump White House really homespun, family-values kind places. Please contact Bruni twitter: Frank Bruni TwitterNice try, Sanders real come. THAT S bothers two so-called journalists hit piece woman looks Southern accent NOT job press secretary. Is got? Nice try boys, even bigger fans imperfect (who perfect?) incredible woman stepped hitting home run Trump team Go Sarah! You got this!VIA: DAILY CALLER'
 b'Lawmakers President Robert Mugabe ruling party meet party headquarters Monday discuss impeaching 93-year-old leader noon deadline passed without resigning, ZANU-PF chief whip Lovemore Matuke said. The ruling party removed Mugabe ZANU-PF president first secretary Sunday, capping dramatic week military seized power Wednesday saying wanted remove criminal elements around president.'
 b'BUENOS Argentine President Mauricio Macri main bulwark comeback populist predecessor, Cristina Fernandez, October legislative elections someone whose name even ballot. Buenos Aires Governor Maria Eugenia Vidal handed role ensuring Macri Let Change coalition wins votes list candidates headed Fernandez, running Senate seat Argentina most-populous province. Argentina electoral list system guarantees Fernandez get one three Senate seats grabs Oct. 22 vote. What really play election whether gets enough support pose serious challenge 2019 presidential election, Macri expected run second term. This election electoral power Cristina ability make comeback. It legislative power, said Julio Burdman, head local polling firm Observatorio Electoral, referring midterm vote. Vidal like Captain America. She created super-soldier Macri win war Cristina, added. An opinion poll released Tuesday firm showed Vidal, 44, popular Macri holds key keeping Fernandez bay Buenos Aires. Home 40 percent Argentine voters, province gateway presidency. Billions dollars potential investment future Latin America No. 3 economy hang balance. Investors eyeing Argentina vast oil mineral wealth want Macri coalition block chance political nemesis, Fernandez, returning presidency 2019. They hope turn page free-spending populist governments ruled Argentina on-and-off seven decades since days Juan Evita Peron. Macri, scion wealthy business family, positive 44.2 percent polled Buenos Aires province, Fernandez trailing 35.1 percent, according Observatorio Electoral survey. Vidal, however, comfortably bests 49.8 percent. Even though Fernandez loved millions poor Argentines generous social spending, critics say growth-at-all-costs policies stoked inflation distorted economy heavy currency controls 2007-2015 administrations. Investors Argentina $550 billion economy therefore focused many votes Fernandez list congressional candidates get versus Macri coalition. Vidal, former welfare administrator known common touch working families, become political juggernaut Macri needs deflect fallout unpopular subsidy cuts fiscal tightening measures. Some 38.2 percent respondents Observatorio Electoral poll said planned vote list headed Macri ally Esteban Bullrich, little-known former education minister. After making series gaffes early campaign, accompanied Vidal rallies. Fernandez list trailed 35.8 percent opinion poll. The difference within survey 3.2-point margin error. So 7.1 percent voters still undecided Friday, still anybody race. Vidal walking province, ringing doorbells taking airwaves campaign Fernandez. A poll weekend consultancy Elypsis showed Vidal Argentina popular politician. She especially strong poor, heavily populated Buenos Aires suburbs, traditional base Fernandez support Macri remains relatively unpopular. Argentina peso currency, bonds stock market, fearing return profit-killing economic distortions Fernandez years, recoiled June announced would run Senate. It Vidal job make sure Fernandez support grow beyond 34 percent got last month primary vote, beat Bullrich less percentage point. Polls generally shown gaining since then. While Fernandez refuses discuss Vidal, governor become Macri camp vocal critic Fernandez, chiding paying attention struggling residents province running represent Senate. Vidal critics say creation media, regularly cover neighborhood visits town-hall meetings. The direct exchange Vidal Fernandez came former president alleged free cafeterias poor children closed reprisal measure school teachers province went strike better pay. I like tell Cristina Fernandez know, used lying campaigning, Vidal said. But I ask leave children it. They going keep eating, strikes strikes.'
 b'We assume Donald Trump talking illegal aliens like Horacio Alvarado repeatedly raped 14-year-old step-daughter eventually impregnated hopes would ticket citizenship.Daily Mail -An illegal immigrant Milwaukee accused fathering teenage stepdaughter child misguided attempt remain US.Horacio Alvarado, 32, allegedly impregnated girl 15 sought paternity test, believing would keep country. The girl gave birth child back 2012 police uncovered lengthy history alleged assaults last month started investigating new sexual assault claim made victim.The step-daughter, aged 22, interviewed recent sex assault allegation told police Alvarado repeatedly abused teenager, according criminal complaint obtained Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.She told authorities Alvarado raped average three times week 14 18 years old. The alleged abuse continued even gave birth child.The woman told police Alvarado allegedly assaulted mother, Linda Alvarado, work sleeping late night.She claims mother walked bedroom Alvarado raping her, left bedroom without trying stop him.The woman told authorities kept identity baby father secret everyone except mother, told shortly child born.The Milwaukee County Circuit Court established Alvarado child legal father 2015.The criminal complaint states Alvarado believed positive paternity test would grant permission remain country.The girl mother, Linda Alvarado, also charged misdemeanor child neglect. She released $500 bond.'
 b'North Korean workers operating Kaesong industrial zone, state-run web sites said Friday, joint venture South Korea suspended last year amid disagreement North nuclear missile programmes. The South ended decade cooperation factory park North Korean side demilitarized zone (DMZ) North launched rocket put object orbit, closing last remaining window interaction two sides. At time, South Korea said would longer allow funds paid Kaesong used North missile nuclear programmes. Since then, South Korean official said evidence North Korea diverted wages paid workers South Korean companies operating park weapons programmes. They even see proud workers labouring vigorously working Kaesong industrial complex, North Korea propaganda web site Meari (arirangmeari.com) said post dated Friday. Another propaganda web site, Uriminzokkiri, said nobody business industrial complex nation sovereignty exercised . U.S.-funded broadcaster Radio Free Asia reported Monday North Korean authorities operating 19 clothing factories within Kaesong complex without informing South Korean authorities, citing unnamed source knowledge North Korean matters China. An official South Korea Ministry Unification said North Korea must violate South Korean firms property rights within complex, service Yonhap reported. The ministry could immediately reached comment. Reclusive North Korea rich, democratic South technically still war 1950-53 conflict ended truce, peace treaty. In recent weeks, North Korea launched two missiles Japan conducted sixth nuclear test, may fast advancing toward goal developing nuclear-tipped missile capable hitting U.S. mainland. U.S. Secretary State Rex Tillerson said last weekend Washington directly communicating Pyongyang nuclear missile programmes Pyongyang shown interest dialogue. U.S. President Donald Trump later dismissed prospect talks North Korea waste time.'
 b'Leaders U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee said Wednesday reached agreement would allow see memos written former FBI Director James Comey meetings President Donald Trump. Comey\'s relationship Trump central ongoing investigations Russian meddling 2016 U.S. election whether collusion Trump associates Moscow. Lawmakers raised questions whether Trump fired Comey May 9 order interfere Russia probe. Russia denied assertions. Trump, Republican, dismissed sour grapes voiced Democrats disappointed victory called "witch hunt." "We commitment get appropriate access Comey memos," Senator Mark Warner, ranking Democrat, told reporters Senate. "I\'m pleased. I think critical information part review process." He said expected memos "soon." Warner declined say much progress investigation provide timeline might concluded. "I would thought would along, I would never expected administration fire Jim Comey. You can\'t make stuff up," said. When asked, said expected Trump\'s son-in-law close adviser, Jared Kushner, would appear committee promised despite recently hired lawyer. Politico first reported Richard Burr, committee\'s Republican chairman, said panel would obtaining memos Comey wrote documenting conversations Trump. Comey testified intelligence committee month decided keep detailed records felt uncomfortable meetings president feared Trump might lie them. The Russia investigations, Department Justice Special Counsel Robert Mueller congressional committees, dogged first months Trump\'s presidency distracted policy goals repealing President Barack Obama\'s healthcare law. Trump also faced criticism fellow Republicans well Democrats administration\'s failure investigate charges Russia interfered 2016 U.S. election concerns might again. "Russia\'s dangerous adversary world today, continues refuse act, dereliction basic duty defend country," Nicholas Burns, undersecretary state Republican President George W. Bush, testified Senate panel Wednesday. At hearing last week focused U.S. election, Homeland Security official testified Russian hackers targeted 21 U.S. state election systems 2016 presidential race small number breached. Warner said panel asked officials 21 states release information hacking. "I see Americans made safer know state elections systems Russia tried hack," said. The probes times come Republican concerns leaks classified information unproven assertions Trump others Obama\'s administration improperly spied Trump associates. On Wednesday, Republican Senators Chuck Grassley Lindsey Graham asked FBI Justice Department copies applications secretive Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court permission conduct surveillance related election, including related FBI\'s ongoing Russia investigation.'
 b'Paris first female mayor one brought city together attacks Charlie Hebdo November mass attack, recently made blunt (and much needed) statement Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.In interview London newest mayor Sadiq Khan, practicing Muslim, showed sign religious unity, Hidalgo plainly stated Trump stupid repeated it: Donald Trump stupid. My God stupid. My God. There way frame that. Trump good terms French ever since two attacks, happened 11 months apart. He tweeted Parisians would survived attacks allowed access open carry. He also blamed France immigration policy tolerance Muslims culprit attacks.Hidalgo also told reporters people France, religions whether Christian Muslim even atheists agree Trump policies.Not long comments made, Hidalgo city Paris announced refugee camp would opened city northern suburbs. Not camp house migrants refugees, also lay groundwork establishing permanent housing come nothing. Hidalgo blasted France Europe failing face migrant crisis claimed thousands lives trying escape persecution violence.Hidalgo told reporters France cannot sit continue watch migrants suffer die could done help them: I hear people say act magnet. But I think countries, like Germany, created conditions welcome hundreds thousands migrants dignified conditions. We must taking full measure migrant flow flooding Europe. Paris sit idly Mediterranean becomes graveyard refugees. Hidalgo says camp opened within six weeks time.And like that, another world leader smacks Donald Trump shows really done civilized world.Featured Wikipedia'
 b'Spain High Court Tuesday called former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont 13 members sacked administration testify Thursday 9 a.m. (0800 GMT). The court also said started processing rebellion sedition charges Puigdemont Catalan leaders.'
 b'21st Century says But accomplish objective?In following episode CrossTalk, panel gets heated discussion question.Sanders candidate chance beating Trump, Hillary consistently losing head-to-head polls.Watch full episode here: EVERYTHING ON ELECTION 2016: 21st Century Election Files'
 b'If Mike Pence doubts life would like 2016 Republican presidential ticket Donald Trump, past week erased them: He damage control guy. The Indiana governor swore political mudslinging years ago heard Trump call Democratic rival Hillary Clinton "the devil" watched fan flames feud parents Muslim soldier died saving U.S. troops Iraq. Unlike many vice presidential running mates, mild-mannered Pence tapped attack dog Nov. 8 presidential election. Trump part pat. Pence\'s job harder: softening Trump\'s rough edges limiting fallout many Republicans see nominee\'s self-inflicted wounds. A week ago, example, Pence rowed back Trump\'s blacklist media outlets, saying campaign discussing changing course. Last Sunday, Trump\'s dispute parents slain U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan boiled over, Pence issued statement praising soldier "American hero" saying family "should cherished every American." On Wednesday, Pence offered endorsement House Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan, top U.S. elected Republican, Trump infuriated many party leaders declining endorse Ryan re-election bid. Pence, swore negative campaigning losing vituperative congressional race 1990, eschews name calling. Trump, contrast, delights using monikers "Crooked Hillary" "the devil" describe Clinton. Trump made clear values Pence, telling rally Thursday Portland, Maine, running mate "great relationship." But Pence must walk fine line. Even defuses Trump\'s verbal bombs, Pence must careful show knows boss. He also stick principles appearing trying undermine man chose No. 2. Should Trump win, Pence, former congressman, could serve conduit U.S. Congress. But Trump loses, Pence could emerge possible White House contender 2020. Republican strategist Charlie Black said Pence shown political deftness. "He expected would provide even-tempered, articulate, measured responses," Black said. But Republican strategist Ryan Williams said Pence "impossible spot" said Trump\'s missteps could cast shadow running mate\'s political future. "Mike Pence good Republican unfortunately associated controversies ensnared Trump-Pence ticket tied whatever consequences election are," Williams said. Trump\'s off-the-cuff insults controversial proposals, temporary ban Muslims entering United States plan build wall along Mexican border keep illegal immigrants out, made many party establishment uneasy. The Republican nominee\'s feud Khan family made awkward moment Pence campaign event Carson City, Nevada. A military mother asked Pence could tolerate Trump\'s disrespect armed forces, prompted boos. Pence admonished crowd tone down. "Folks, that\'s freedom looks like that\'s freedom sounds like," said calling Humayun Khan American hero. Pence asked Thursday 11-year-old boy North Carolina rally role "softening up" Trump\'s policies words. Pence replied Trump "shoulder shoulder" campaign. Christopher Devine, co-author book "The VP Advantage" assistant political science professor University Dayton Ohio, said Trump loses November election, Pence may try position conservative bridge Trump supporters traditional Republicans. That may added reason Pence\'s cautious approach. "He careful handles defense Donald Trump," Devine said.'
 b'Outgoing U.S. President Barack Obama says plans come back Germany least one time \xe2\x80\x94 visit Munich\'s annual beer-swigging Oktoberfest. "It\'s wonderful back Berlin. This sixth visit Germany, last," Obama told joint news conference German Chancellor Angela Merkel. "I somehow continued miss Oktoberfest that\'s probably something better former president rather president. I\'ll fun," said. Around 7.5 million litres beer consumed year Oktoberfest locals tourists alike, many decked traditional lederhosen dirndls.'
 b'SAVONLINNA, FinlandPresident Vladimir Putin said Thursday Russia would forced retaliate Washington pressed ahead called illegal new sanctions Moscow, describing U.S. conduct towards country boorish unreasonable. Putin, speaking visit Finland, commenting vote U.S. House Representatives Tuesday decided impose new sanctions Moscow force President Donald Trump obtain lawmakers\' permission easing sanctions Russia. The sanctions yet approved Senate Trump, top White House aide said Thursday Trump could veto legislation order push tougher deal. Putin, repeatedly denied U.S. allegations Russia interfered last year\'s U.S. presidential election, said Moscow would decide retaliate Washington seen final text proposed law. "As know, exercising restraint patience, moment we\'ll retaliate. It\'s impossible endlessly tolerate boorishness towards country," Putin told joint news conference Finnish counterpart. "When response follow? What be? That depend final version draft law debated U.S. Senate." Putin also spoke ongoing diplomatic row Moscow Washington erupted last December U.S. President Barack Obama ordered seizure Russian diplomatic property United States expulsion 35 Russian diplomats. "This goes beyond reasonable bounds," said Putin. "And sanctions - also absolutely unlawful point view international law." Calling proposed sanctions "extremely cynical," Putin said demarche looked like attempt Washington use "geopolitical advantages ... safeguard economic interests expense allies". He dismissed Congressional investigations Russia\'s alleged meddling last year\'s U.S. presidential election, calling symptom growing anti-Russian hysteria United States result U.S. domestic politics. "It\'s sad U.S.-Russian relations sacrificed resolve internal policy issues U.S," said Putin. "It\'s pity, acting together could solving jointly acute problems worry peoples Russia United States much efficiently." However, Putin said Moscow "many friends" United States hoped one day situation would right itself.'
 b"Republican leaders aiming send tax bill President Donald Trump signature end year. To that, negotiators U.S. House Representatives Senate need iron differences two versions legislation. Here main points need address. The Senate bill repeals provision Affordable Care Act, also known Obamacare, levies penalty taxpayers purchase health insurance. The House bill repeal mandate's penalty leaders indicated would open Senate could pass it. The House bill consolidates seven individual income tax rates four keeps top rate 39.6 percent. The Senate version keeps seven brackets sets top rate 38.5 percent. PASS-THROUGH BUSINESSES The House legislation capped 25 percent tax rate 30 percent pass-through business income, remaining 70 percent taxed individual wage rates. The House excluded taxpayers professional services, would continue paying individual tax rates income. The Senate bill leaves pass-through income individual system establishes deduction 23 percent pass-through income. The Senate version allows services professions use deduction income less $250,000 per year, $500,000 married couple. Pass-through businesses include partnerships companies organized public corporations, encompassing American business enterprises mom-and-pop concerns large financial real estate organizations. The House bill repeals deduction medical expenses exceed 10 percent taxpayer's annual income. The Senate version retains deduction two years drops threshold 7.5 percent income. The House bill repeals individual corporate alternative minimum taxes, AMT, intended make sure high-income taxpayers unduly lower tax liabilities combining numerous credits deductions. The Senate bill repeals individual AMT keeps 20 percent corporate AMT. By also cutting corporate tax rate 20 percent 35 percent, corporations said means would able use popular tax breaks research-and-development credit. The House bill limited popular individual tax deduction interest home mortgages $500,000 less. The Senate bill would allow taxpayers deduct interest mortgages $1,000,000 less. The House bill would allow companies fully deduct value machinery equipment costs five years. The Senate bill allows businesses phases five years."
 b'The U.S. Senate Monday blocked Democratic legislation aimed stopping sales firearms people "terrorism watch lists." The Senate fell 13 votes short clearing measure approval, chamber also defeated three gun control measures stemming June 12 shootings Orlando killed 49 people wounded 53 others.'
 b'() - Kentucky state Representative Dan Johnson, facing sexual assault accusations, died probable suicide Wednesday, Bullitt County Coroner Dave Billings said. Johnson, 57, also leader Louisville-area Heart Fire Church, held news conference Tuesday denied accusations contained report Kentucky Center Investigative Reporting. The report, published earlier week, included accusations woman Johnson molested 2013 teenager. Johnson, whose press conference widely reported local media, also defied calls legislators step down. On Wednesday evening, Johnson found dead probable suicide single gunshot wound near Louisville, coroner said, adding autopsy would performed Thursday. Billings said law enforcement officials searching Johnson someone read post Facebook page, became concerned contacted police. The post since taken down, Courier-Journal reported appeared farewell read part, "the accusations NPR false, GOD GOD knows truth. Nothing way make be." The death comes amid national reckoning sexual harassment abuse included allegations misconduct number state legislatures, including Kentucky. Kentucky Republican Jeff Hoover recently resigned post Speaker Kentucky House Representatives cloud sexual harassment allegations. "Saddened hear tonight\'s death KY Representative Dan Johnson," Kentucky Republican Gov. Matt Bevin wrote Twitter. "My heart breaks family tonight...these heavy days Frankfort America...may God indeed shed His grace us all...we sure need it." Michael Skoler, President Louisville Public Media, operates investigative reporting center, said statement social media organization reached Johnson numerous times seven-month investigation declined discuss group\'s findings. Johnson elected 2016 despite becoming known 2016 Facebook post comparing President Barack Obama Michelle Obama monkeys, WDRB-TV reported.'
 b'The wicked witch White House makes America sick again.As know, Donald Trump botched first visit Texas aftermath Hurricane Harvey basically holding rally bragging without talking victim storm surveying devastation first-hand.And Trump do-over trip embarrassing divisive praised Coast Guard attacking media bragging hand size.But Kellyanne Conway thinks adds Trump uniting country.During appearance Fox & Friends Sunday, Conway gushed Trump visit Texas bragged pledge $1 million Harvey victims Abby Huntsman incorrectly claimed Trump recent recent trip criticized media. That significant here, president first lady felt compelled donate $1 million money, felt compelled visit twice, really spend time yesterday, engage people, look eye, Conway said.The reason Trump visited second time f*cked first visit badly. This Donald Trump many us know privileged work know close personal, Conway continued.And complete bullshit Trump vindictive narcissist cares himself. He proved time time again.Furthermore, $1 million pledge merely pledge. He actually donated penny yet. And probably since foundation uses donate people money charities investigation. Trump spend money help need.But Conway done making America puke. She claimed Trump uniting country helping people vote suggest help people support 2016. We look brothers sisters need suffering, Conway said. But man somebody always expressed capacity compassion people need. Is everyone done laughing yet? Because know Trump zero compassion anyone. He lacks capacity care others. He cares . Again, reason went back Texas second time refused take time visit victims first time around. Now busy using victims props claim give damn.Conway attacked media criticizing Trump, despite Huntsman claiming criticism second trip. They look peevish small, Conway said. People saying missed opportunity unify country. They exactly here. And also getting people meeting needs food, water, shelter time. Let unify country beginning president. Here YouTube. The relevant remarks begin 5:30 mark.Donald Trump unify country going Texas. If anything, divided even botching first visit attacking media second visit. He even control time petty grievances put aside. Kellyanne Conway ashamed herself. And Abby Huntsman.Featured : Screenshot'
 b'President Donald Trump nominate former U.S. Representative Heather Wilson become Air Force secretary, White House said Monday. Wilson, graduate U.S. Air Force Academy, President South Dakota School Mines & Technology since 2013, said statement. "Heather Wilson going make outstanding secretary Air Force," Trump said statement.'
 b'MEMBERS join co-hosts Patrick Henningsen Shawn Helton 21WIRE brand new morning commute show DRIVE BY WIRE shown full 21WIRE.TV A 45 minute extended stream consciousness analysis America new President Trump, policies, DC Women March, feminism, Madonna, Tony Montana, politically correct mobs, ISIS, Insane John McCain much more. It going wild ride (the next 4 years mean) WATCH THIS EPISODE OF DRIVE BY WIRE HERE @ 21WIRE.TVSUPPORT OUR WORK BY SUBSCRIBING & BECOMING A MEMBER @21WIRE.TV'
 b'() - Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump\'s campaign settled legal dispute former aide Sam Nunberg, according court document filed New York Thursday. Trump sought $10 million damages Nunberg arbitration proceedings. Trump accused Nunberg, fired 2015, violating confidentiality agreement. The one-page filing New York state court give terms settlement. Nunberg\'s attorney, Andrew Miltenberg, said "the matter amicably resolved" declined comment further. The Trump campaign immediately respond request comment. Nunberg said court filings July Trump accused source New York Post story May recounted public argument Corey Lewandowski, campaign manager, Hope Hicks, Trump\'s spokeswoman. In affidavit, Nunberg said argument part "sordid apparently illicit affair" two. He denied source New York Post story. Lewandowski fired campaign June, move apparently unrelated Post story. A Trump Organization lawyer, Alan Garten, last month called Nunberg\'s allegations "categorically untrue." The Trump campaign fired Nunberg August 2015 discovery Facebook posts critics deemed racist. Nunberg denied wrote posts.'
 b'Britain ambassador United States discussed row retweets sent President Donald Trump senior White House officials Wednesday, British government source said Thursday. The source, asked named due sensitivity issue, give details discussion. Trump sparked outrage Britain political establishment sharp rebuke Prime Minister Theresa May Twitter criticised retweeting British far-right anti-Islam s.'
 b'U.S. President Donald Trump said Friday preparing call British Prime Minister Theresa May home-made bomb London train injured 22 people. Trump, spoke briefly reporters going Oval Office, said briefed attack, police called terror incident, calling terrible thing. Asked Friday morning tweet Trump said U.S. ban travelers certain countries specific, Trump said: We tougher smarter. (This story corrects third paragraph show Trump referring U.S. travel ban quote, London attack.)'
 b'Last Saturday, Donald Trump woke crack dawn went extraordinary Twitter tirade even him. He accused predecessor, President Barack Obama, illegally tapping Trump Tower hotly contested 2016 election campaign. This outrageous claim make former president especially since president cannot legally order surveillance American citizen. So, indeed Trump claims turn true (hint: t), would come first request FBI, said request would reviewed granted judge. In words, happen, would mean ample evidence criminal activity occurring Trump Tower point time.The worst part whole claim said Twitter absolutely evidence whatsoever. If Trump evidence, surely would produced now. Well, also demanded House Senate Intelligence Committees find evidence clearly have, tired lies shenanigans surrounding issue. They sick it, fact, demanded evidence Trump claims President Obama presented Monday.This request comes courtesy House Intelligence Committee Chair Devin Nunes (R-CA) Ranking Member Adam Schiff (D-CA). Schiff called Trump Twitter last Saturday outlandish destructive. He right. If evidence exist (another hint: t) Trump someone within federal government would made said evidence public kill story.Trump really stepped one. He flat-out lied perhaps honorable man ever occupy White House. Then lest forget Trump started political career leading racist birther crusade. So, really surprised behavior here.Featured Aude Guerrucci-Pool/Getty'
 b'() - Alabama Governor Robert Bentley face legislative effort seeking impeachment, state lawmaker said Tuesday, announcing start formal proceedings amid escalating political fallout relationship former advisor. Bentley, two-term Republican governor, apologized making inappropriate remarks married ex-staffer, denying allegations physical affair. Since acknowledged accusations two weeks ago, dogged questions relationship potentially inappropriate use state resources. State representative Ed Henry, also Republican, held news conference Tuesday discuss impeachment proceedings, acknowledging uncertainty exactly would unfold. "We looking governor essentially betrayed trust people Alabama," said, calling Bentley step down. "We\'ve never done before. We\'ve never tried impeach governor," added Henry, spoke alongside several state representatives support impeachment. He drafted articles impeachment accuse Bentley corruption, incompetence, immoral behavior, neglecting duties governor. In response, Bentley issued statement calling effort distraction pending issues state legislature. "There grounds impeachment, I vigorously defend administration political attack," said Bentley, medical doctor easily re-election second term November 2014. The senior advisor question, Rebekah Mason, resigned last week. She said intended focus husband children address alleged affair. Funding salary among issues questioned impeachment documents. Discussions relationship dominated Alabama politics since March 23 Bentley publicly accused affair Spencer Collier, former head Alabama Law Enforcement Agency, fired governor. Audio recordings emerged depict Bentley making suggestive comments Mason, according state media reports. Bentley\'s wife filed divorce August 2015 50 years marriage, citing unspecified problems.'
 b'U.S. lawmakers said high-profile briefings Trump administration North Korea Wednesday failed provide firm strategy hoped dealing described major national security threat. As standoff escalated reclusive Asian nation\'s development nuclear weapons long-range ballistic missiles, President Donald Trump welcomed 100 members Senate highly unusual meeting White House complex, Secretary State Rex Tillerson, Secretary Defense Jim Mattis, Director National Intelligence Dan Coats Marine General Joseph Dunford, chairman Joint Chiefs Staff. While administration officials often travel Capitol brief lawmakers national security issues, time entire Senate hopped buses White House. Vice President Mike Pence four officials later briefed House Representatives. That classified meeting took place secure auditorium Capitol complex. The briefings came Trump tries put best face first 100 days office. He signed executive orders roll back Democratic policies period defined absence major legislative achievements. A Democrats dismissed Senate White House "field trip" little photo opportunity. Some Republicans little enthusiastic. "It OK briefing," Senator Bob Corker, Republican chairman Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told reporters arrived back Senate. "I\'m certain I would briefing today," said. Asked administration firm strategy, Senator John McCain, chairs Armed Services Committee, said, "They\'re developing one." This week, Trump discussed North Korea U.N. ambassadors, increased U.S. military presence region, leaned China pressure Pyongyang. Tillerson chair U.N. Security Council meeting Friday discuss tougher sanctions. After briefing, members House expressed confidence administration officials spoke, said real concerns. Representative Brad Sherman, senior member House Foreign Affairs Committee, said convinced administration would enough control Pyongyang. "I regard level resolve modest, weak maybe even phony. The way put enough pressure North Korea get China it," Sherman told reporters. Mac Thornberry, chairman House Armed Services Committee, said administration wants use "a variety" tactics push North Korea give nuclear ambitions said agreed options must table. "We incredible military presence region, including missile defense, especially regime," said.'
 b"Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) physical embodiment anti-Trump resistance Congress. She openly called orange one impeached multiple occasions, rails national television every opportunity. Her latest attack The Donald comes favorite platform Twitter.Of course, Rep. Waters participated Tax Day marches designed pressure Trump release tax returns every president presidential candidate done decades. Of course, Trump broke rules politics still managed get elected. So, breaking particular tradition come surprise.Well, Rep. Waters enough Trump lies lack transparency, took Twitter rail Trump again:Trump release taxes b/c something hide. He's enrich himself, wealthy cabinet, & White House swamp Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) April 18, 2017It can't lost chaos Trump's campaign still FBI investigation colluding w/ Russians undermine democracy Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) April 18, 2017Nothing past two weeks changed anything we've learned Manafort, C. Page, & rest Trump's #KremlinKlan Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) April 18, 2017The President liar, actions contemptible, & I'm going fight everyday he's impeached. Maxine Waters (@MaxineWaters) April 18, 2017Rep. Waters correct. Trump liar. He releasing taxes hiding god knows what. Further, let distract us missiles bombs. We must know hiding working for, must know colluded Russia win election.Keep fighting, Auntie Maxine. We need good, strong Democrats like derail Trump hateful agenda.Featured Chip Somodevilla/Getty"
 b'While main stream media continues chase anything everything try take President Trump, serious problem North Korea heating up. The madman charge North Korea continues stand firm even sanctions unanimously voted UN. North Korea missile tests continue spite move U.S. makes stop Dr. Sebastian Gorka spoke Sean Hannity regarding development:The latest FOX NewsDespite United States insistence North Korea halt missile tests, U.S. spy agencies detected rogue communist regime loading two anti-ship cruise missiles patrol boat country east coast days ago.It first time missiles deployed type platform since 2014.It also points evidence North Korea listening diplomatic threats West. The best signal North Korea could give us prepared talk would stop missile launches, Secretary State Rex Tillerson said Philippines Monday.TILLERSON TO NOKO: WE ARE NOT YOUR ENEMY TILLERSON S FOUR NO S: The United States seek regime change, collapse regime, accelerated reunification peninsula excuse send U.S. military North Korea.North Korea loaded two Stormpetrel anti-ship cruise missiles Wonsan guided-missile patrol boat Toejo Dong North Korea east coast. North Korea showing evidence plans halt missile tests, said one official requested anonymity discuss sensitive information. It trend bode well hopes de-escalating tensions Korean peninsula. The latest moves Pyongyang point likely missile test days ahead could defense measure U.S. Navy dispatch warships Korean peninsula, officials said. Read more: FOX NewsJAPAN TAKES THE THREAT FROM NORTH KOREA SERIOUSLY:Japan held first air-raid drills since World War Two amid fears nuclear strike North Korea. People country north-west coast practiced running cover following Kim Jong-un latest ballistic missile tests. A report filmed BBC saw adults children sprinting indoors sheltering behind walls sirens wailed.Read more: DAILY MAIL'
 b'If spent months years telling Martin Shkreli, Pharma Bro commonly known, go fuck himself, pleased know that.Shkreli, known jacking price life-saving medication, currently bond awaiting sentencing securities fraud, may temporary condition prosecutors way.Recently, Shkreli offered pay Twitter followers obscene amount money $5,000 per strand Hillary Clinton hair allegedly genetic testing. The Clinton Foundation willing KILL protect secrets. So HRC book tour, try grab hair her, wrote Monday. I must confirm sequences I have. Will pay $5,000 per hair obtained Hillary Clinton. Payment sequence matches. Good luck, patrollers. Apparently, ordering people assault former First Lady threat led increased Secret Service protection good idea bond.Citing threat well others Shkreli made toward women, prosecutors say bond revoked represents threat community. Prosecutors say Shkreli hit job, Secret Service expended significant additional resources ensure Secretary Clinton protection. The government respectfully submits motion bail revocation hearing, government move revoke defendant Martin Shkreli bail remand custody, prosecutor motion reads. His recent public conduct demonstrates cannot meet post-trial burden show, clear convincing evidence, pose danger community. Shkreli represented danger community quite time, nice see people trying get away society while.Featured screengrab'
 b'A high-level defector Kurdish-led forces captured Syrian city Raqqa Islamic State recanted account city fall, saying thousands IS fighters - many first reported - left secret, U.S.-approved deal. Talal Silo, former commander Syrian Democratic Forces, said SDF arranged bus remaining Islamic State militants Raqqa even though said time battling diehard foreign jihadists city. U.S. officials described Silo comments false contrived security official Turkey, Silo defected three weeks ago, gave similar account Islamic State defeat Syrian stronghold. Turkey odds Washington U.S. backing Kurdish forces led fight Raqqa. Silo SDF spokesman one officials told media mid-October - deal reached - fewer 300 fighters left Raqqa families others would fight on. However, told interview number fighters allowed go far higher account last-ditch battle fiction designed keep journalists away evacuation took place. He said U.S. official international coalition Islamic State, identify, approved deal meeting SDF commander. At time conflicting accounts whether foreign Islamic State fighters allowed leave Raqqa. The BBC later reported one drivers exodus described convoy 7 km (4 miles) long made 50 trucks, 13 buses 100 Islamic State vehicles, packed fighters ammunition. The Turkish government expressed concern fighters left Raqqa could smuggled across border Turkey could try launch attacks West. Agreement reached terrorists leave, 4,000 people, families, Silo said, adding 500 fighters. He said headed east Islamic State-controlled areas around Deir al-Zor, Syrian army forces supporting President Bashar al-Assad gaining ground. For three days SDF banned people going Raqqa, saying fighting progress deal militants given up. It theater, Silo said. The announcement cover left Deir al-Zor , said, adding agreement endorsed United States wanted swift end Raqqa battle SDF could move towards Deir al-Zor. It clear evacuees Raqqa ended up. The Syrian Democratic Forces deny Islamic State fighters able leave Raqqa Deir al-Zor, U.S.-led military coalition backs SDF said make deals terrorists . The coalition utterly refutes false accusations source suggests coalition collusion ISIS, said statement. However, Turkish security official said many Islamic State personnel left Raqqa acknowledged. Statements U.S. coalition engaged big conflicts Raqqa true, official added. He told Turkey believed accounts aimed diverting attention departure Islamic State members, complained Turkey kept dark. Ankara, NATO ally Washington member U.S.-led coalition, disagreed sharply United States support Syrian Kurdish YPG fighters spearheaded fight Islamic State Raqqa. Turkey says YPG extension PKK, waged three-decade insurgency southeast Turkey designated terrorist group United States European Union. Silo spoke secure location edge Ankara presence Turkish security officers. He said security protection denied SDF assertions pressured defecting Turkey, children live. A member Syria Turkmen minority, Silo said decision speak based disillusionment structure SDF, dominated Kurdish YPG fighters expense Arab, Turkmen Assyrian allies, well outcome Raqqa, said city destroyed enemy. The Raqqa talks took place Kurdish SDF commander, Sahin Cilo, intermediary Islamic State whose brother-in-law Islamic State emir Raqqa, Silo said. After reached agreement Cilo headed U.S. military base near village Jalabiya. He came back agreement U.S. administration terrorists head Deir al-Zor, Silo said. The coalition said two weeks ago one leaders present talks active participant deal said reached despite explicit coalition disagreement letting armed ISIS terrorists leave Raqqa .'
 b'Turkey launching initiative United Nations annul decision United States recognize Jerusalem Israel capital, President Tayyip Erdogan said Friday. Erdogan speaking two days Muslim leaders meeting Istanbul condemned U.S. President Donald Trump decision, calling world respond recognizing East Jerusalem capital Palestine. We work annulment unjust decision firstly UN Security Council, veto comes there, General Assembly, Erdogan told crowds gathered central Anatolian city Konya teleconference. The United States permanent Security Council member veto powers, meaning move overturn Washington decision council would certainly blocked. Jerusalem, revered Jews, Christians Muslims alike, home Islam third holiest site heart Israeli-Palestinian conflict decades. Israel captured Arab East Jerusalem 1967 later annexed action recognized internationally. Trump decision broke decades U.S. policy international consensus city status must left Israeli-Palestinian talks, leading harsh criticisms Muslim countries Israel closest European allies, also rejected move. A communique issued Wednesday summit 50 Muslim countries, including U.S. allies, said considered Trump move declaration Washington withdrawing role sponsor peace Middle East. Asked criticism interview Israel Makor Rishon daily, U.S. ambassador Israel said Trump done good America . President Trump...does intend reverse himself, despite various condemnations declarations, Ambassador David Friedman said.'
 b'Fox News resident doctor, if, indeed, called that, weighed ancient, immature reference Trump made size penis Marco Rubio made crack tiny hands debate Detroit, Michigan. Keith Ablow, really questionable things say air, let loose following verbal rubbish heap: When small hands issue raised debate supposedly got Clinton campaign excited, thought Man, game game all. Freud would standing up, like applauding. Standing ovation. Ablow Blowhard went with: To able address intensely personal issue say, Listen, problem department, me, showed incredible degree psychological strength. Or showed incredible immaturity something solidified election cycle gone on. Trump could have, really have, ignored jab hands. Instead, said: Look hands. Are small hands? And referred hands small, something else must small.I guarantee problem. I guarantee you. Because self defense. He missed golden opportunity make Rubio look like immature, tasteless idiot. As common Trump, though, slipped insecure teenage-boy mode bragged penis size, literally relevant nothing. He proved even less class Rubio that.Watch Ablow psychological gobbledy-gook below:Featured Chip Somodevilla/Getty'
 b'The United States lifted long-standing sanctions Sudan Friday, saying made progress fighting terrorism easing humanitarian distress, also secured Khartoum commitment pursue arms deals North Korea. In move completes process begun former President Barack Obama opposed human rights groups, President Donald Trump removed U.S. trade embargo penalties effectively cut Sudan much global financial system. The U.S. decision marked major turnaround government President Omar Hassan al-Bashir, played host Osama bin Laden wanted International Criminal Court charges orchestrating genocide Darfur. However, Sudan stay U.S. list state sponsors terrorism - alongside Iran Syria - carries ban weapons sales restrictions U.S. aid, U.S. officials said. Sudanese officials also remain subject United Nations sanctions human rights abuses Darfur conflict, officials said, speaking condition anonymity. The lifting sanctions reflects U.S. assessment Sudan made progress meeting Washington demands, including cooperation counter-terrorism, working resolve internal conflicts allowing humanitarian aid Darfur rebellious border areas, officials said. State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said sanctions relief recognition Sudan sustained positive actions improvement needed. The Trump administration also secured commitment Sudan would pursue arms deals North Korea, Washington apply zero tolerance ensuring Khartoum compliance, one officials said. But said Khartoum assurances North Korea condition lifting sanctions, place 20 years hobbled Sudanese economy. Sudan long suspected military ties North Korea, locked tense standoff Washington missiles nuclear weapons programs. But official said Khartoum believed diplomatic relations Pyongyang expected change. Sudan also recently distanced diplomatically Iran, another U.S. arch-foe. U.S. officials said sanctions relief, unfreeze Sudanese government assets, could benefit range businesses Sudan, including key energy sector. The economy reeling since South Sudan, holds three-quarters former Sudan oil wells, seceded 2011. Sudan looks forward building normal relations United States, foreign ministry said statement. However, requires lifting Sudan list state sponsors terrorism apply (to Sudan). Central bank governor Hazem Abdel Kader said removing sanctions would allow Sudan banking system reintegrate global economy, Agriculture Minister Abdul Latif Ajimi said would bring exchange rate stability would boost agricultural development, according state news agency SUNA. Shortly leaving office, former U.S. President Barack Obama temporarily eased penalties east African nation. In July, Trump administration postponed three months decision whether remove sanctions completely, setting Oct. 12 deadline. Rights groups see sanctions removal premature. It sends wrong message lift sanctions permanently Sudan made little progress human rights, said Andrea Prasow, deputy director Washington office Human Rights Watch. Democratic U.S. Representative Jim McGovern said sanctions decision legitimizes murderous actions Sudanese government warned back-sliding likely result Congress reinstating sanctions. The United States first imposed sanctions Sudan 1997, including trade embargo blocking government assets, human rights violations terrorism concerns. Washington layered sanctions 2006 said complicity violence Sudan Darfur region.'
 b'As know, Republican presidential nominee went Mexico last week attempt look presidential. While surface may seemed succeeded first, soon learned case. When asked whether President Enrique Pena Nieto discussed payment Trump infamous border wall, Trump lied, President Pena Nieta called Twitter. There that, saw tale two Trumps day, real estate tycoon returned United States rally Arizona, went right back hardline stance vengeance much so, fact, Republican National Committee dropped plans praise Trump speech hateful.Well, hear Trump tell it, one event eclipses mishaps make Trump trip roaring success: fact one organizing officials trip Mexico fired. Trump said Wednesday evening NBC Commander-in-Chief forum: We badly hurt look aftermath today, people arranged trip Mexico forced government. That well did, well do. No, Mr. Trump, indicator trip success; quite opposite, fact. The official forced office, Finance Minister Luis Videgaray, left Mexican people witnessed appalling disrespect Trump leveled throughout travesty presidential campaign, want country. Videgaray main champion Trump visit, therefore damage control population country rightfully outraged sparked person removal office. That opposite success.Then again, Trump, therefore help twisting facts make look good. So, surprise there. The trip success; fact, clearly anything but.Featured Alex Wong/Getty'], shape=(100,), dtype=string)
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{'fake': <tf.Tensor: shape=(100, 1), dtype=int64, numpy=

Validation Data

After constructing the primary dataset, we split off 20% for validation using skip and take.

val_size = int(0.2 * len(ds))

ds = ds.shuffle(buffer_size = len(ds))
val_ds = ds.take(val_size)
train_ds = ds.skip(val_size)
(45, 180)

Base Rate

Base rate refers to the accuracy of a model that always makes the same guess. Determine the base rate for this data set by examining the labels on the training set —— the base rate would be the proportion of the label with the highest frequency in the label pool: - 1: fake - 0: non-fake

In this case, the base rate is 0.5230 (52.30% of the entries are fake news in this dataset.)

1    0.522963
0    0.477037
Name: fake, dtype: float64


Preprocess text and then map words to integers: we would create a frequency dictionary that encodes words with their total numbers of appearances in the dataset. And we set a limit of 2000 to only use the most frequent 2000 words to set up our word dictionary for training.

#preparing a title vectorization layer for tf model
size_vocabulary = 2000

#convert all strings to lower cases,
#get rid of all puncuations
def standardization(input_data):
    lowercase = tf.strings.lower(input_data)
    no_punctuation = tf.strings.regex_replace(lowercase,
                                  '[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation),'')
    return no_punctuation 

title_vectorize_layer = layers.TextVectorization(
    max_tokens=size_vocabulary, # only consider this many words

#this will make the layer 'learn' whatever words we've included from the titles
title_vectorize_layer.adapt(train_ds.map(lambda x, y: x["title"]))
WARNING:tensorflow:From /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/autograph/pyct/static_analysis/liveness.py:83: Analyzer.lamba_check (from tensorflow.python.autograph.pyct.static_analysis.liveness) is deprecated and will be removed after 2023-09-23.
Instructions for updating:
Lambda fuctions will be no more assumed to be used in the statement where they are used, or at least in the same block. https://github.com/tensorflow/tensorflow/issues/56089
#preparing a text vectorization layer for tf model

def standardization(input_data):
    lowercase = tf.strings.lower(input_data)
    no_punctuation = tf.strings.regex_replace(lowercase,
                                  '[%s]' % re.escape(string.punctuation),'')
    return no_punctuation 

text_vectorize_layer = layers.TextVectorization(
    max_tokens=size_vocabulary, # only consider this many words

text_vectorize_layer.adapt(train_ds.map(lambda x, y: x["text"]))

Create a Model

We would be building three models (using the functional API of keras) that train on only title, only text, both title and text respectively to answer the question:

When detecting fake news, is it most effective to focus on only the title of the article, the full text of the article, or both?

  • In the first model, you should use only the article title as an input.
  • In the second model, you should use only the article text as an input.
  • In the third model, you should use both the article title and the article text as input.

(Applied to text vectorization layer adaptation as well)

As suggested, we define an embedding layer that would be shared by all three models.

max_tokens = 2000
output_sequence_length = 25
emb = layers.Embedding(max_tokens, output_dim = 3, name="embedding")

Article title only

import keras

title_in = keras.Input(shape=(1,),name = "title", dtype = "string")
title_layer = title_vectorize_layer(title_in) #vectorize title
title_layer = emb(title_layer) #shared embedding
title_layer = layers.Dropout(0.2)(title_layer) #randomaly drop 20% of the connections to reduce overfitting
title_layer = layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()(title_layer) #take the average of embedding vectors along the time axis
title_layer = layers.Dropout(0.2)(title_layer)
title_layer = layers.Dense(32, activation='relu')(title_layer)

# output layer
output = layers.Dense(2, name = "fake")(title_layer)
model1 = keras.Model(inputs = title_in,outputs = output,name='title_only')
Model: "title_only"
 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #   
 title (InputLayer)          [(None, 1)]               0         
 text_vectorization (TextVec  (None, 500)              0         
 embedding (Embedding)       (None, 500, 3)            6000      
 dropout (Dropout)           (None, 500, 3)            0         
 global_average_pooling1d (G  (None, 3)                0         
 dropout_1 (Dropout)         (None, 3)                 0         
 dense (Dense)               (None, 32)                128       
 fake (Dense)                (None, 2)                 66        
Total params: 6,194
Trainable params: 6,194
Non-trainable params: 0
              loss = losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True),
history1 = model1.fit(train_ds, epochs=20, validation_data=val_ds)
Epoch 1/20
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/keras/engine/functional.py:638: UserWarning: Input dict contained keys ['text'] which did not match any model input. They will be ignored by the model.
  inputs = self._flatten_to_reference_inputs(inputs)
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 19ms/step - loss: 0.6918 - accuracy: 0.5204 - val_loss: 0.6895 - val_accuracy: 0.5248
Epoch 2/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 14ms/step - loss: 0.6809 - accuracy: 0.5791 - val_loss: 0.6627 - val_accuracy: 0.6393
Epoch 3/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 18ms/step - loss: 0.6163 - accuracy: 0.7934 - val_loss: 0.5440 - val_accuracy: 0.9353
Epoch 4/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 34ms/step - loss: 0.4662 - accuracy: 0.9038 - val_loss: 0.3705 - val_accuracy: 0.9411
Epoch 5/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.3244 - accuracy: 0.9332 - val_loss: 0.2537 - val_accuracy: 0.9504
Epoch 6/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.2380 - accuracy: 0.9452 - val_loss: 0.1815 - val_accuracy: 0.9618
Epoch 7/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 16ms/step - loss: 0.1870 - accuracy: 0.9529 - val_loss: 0.1344 - val_accuracy: 0.9711
Epoch 8/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step - loss: 0.1579 - accuracy: 0.9562 - val_loss: 0.1206 - val_accuracy: 0.9674
Epoch 9/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step - loss: 0.1364 - accuracy: 0.9608 - val_loss: 0.0928 - val_accuracy: 0.9762
Epoch 10/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.1171 - accuracy: 0.9671 - val_loss: 0.0967 - val_accuracy: 0.9667
Epoch 11/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.1102 - accuracy: 0.9659 - val_loss: 0.0836 - val_accuracy: 0.9718
Epoch 12/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 18ms/step - loss: 0.1007 - accuracy: 0.9684 - val_loss: 0.0698 - val_accuracy: 0.9813
Epoch 13/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step - loss: 0.0932 - accuracy: 0.9702 - val_loss: 0.0697 - val_accuracy: 0.9818
Epoch 14/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.0884 - accuracy: 0.9715 - val_loss: 0.0608 - val_accuracy: 0.9831
Epoch 15/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step - loss: 0.0850 - accuracy: 0.9706 - val_loss: 0.0641 - val_accuracy: 0.9827
Epoch 16/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 18ms/step - loss: 0.0792 - accuracy: 0.9737 - val_loss: 0.0552 - val_accuracy: 0.9827
Epoch 17/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.0746 - accuracy: 0.9747 - val_loss: 0.0609 - val_accuracy: 0.9782
Epoch 18/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.0756 - accuracy: 0.9738 - val_loss: 0.0476 - val_accuracy: 0.9824
Epoch 19/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 12ms/step - loss: 0.0690 - accuracy: 0.9770 - val_loss: 0.0466 - val_accuracy: 0.9842
Epoch 20/20
180/180 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step - loss: 0.0682 - accuracy: 0.9753 - val_loss: 0.0424 - val_accuracy: 0.9860

From the model fitting history, the title-input only fake news classification reaches a 98.60% validation accuracy, which is slightly higher than the training accuracy 97.53%.

Article text only.

text_in = keras.Input(shape=(1,),name = "text", dtype = "string")
text_layer = text_vectorize_layer(text_in) #vectorize title
text_layer = emb(text_layer) #shared embedding
text_layer = layers.Dropout(0.2)(text_layer) #randomaly drop 20% of the connections to reduce overfitting
text_layer = layers.GlobalAveragePooling1D()(text_layer) #take the average of embedding vectors along the time axis
text_layer = layers.Dropout(0.2)(text_layer)
text_layer = layers.Dense(32, activation='relu')(text_layer)

# output layer
output = layers.Dense(2, name = "fake")(text_layer)
model2 = keras.Model(inputs = text_in,outputs = output,name='text_only')
Model: "text_only"
 Layer (type)                Output Shape              Param #   
 text (InputLayer)           [(None, 1)]               0         
 text_vectorization_1 (TextV  (None, 500)              0         
 embedding (Embedding)       (None, 500, 3)            6000      
 dropout_2 (Dropout)         (None, 500, 3)            0         
 global_average_pooling1d_1   (None, 3)                0         
 dropout_3 (Dropout)         (None, 3)                 0         
 dense_1 (Dense)             (None, 32)                128       
 fake (Dense)                (None, 2)                 66        
Total params: 6,194
Trainable params: 6,194
Non-trainable params: 0
              loss = losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True),
history2 = model2.fit(train_ds, epochs=20, validation_data=val_ds)
Epoch 1/20
/usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/keras/engine/functional.py:638: UserWarning: Input dict contained keys ['title'] which did not match any model input. They will be ignored by the model.
  inputs = self._flatten_to_reference_inputs(inputs)
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 20ms/step - loss: 0.6887 - accuracy: 0.5390 - val_loss: 0.6803 - val_accuracy: 0.5831
Epoch 2/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.6538 - accuracy: 0.6232 - val_loss: 0.5856 - val_accuracy: 0.8478
Epoch 3/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 23ms/step - loss: 0.5290 - accuracy: 0.7648 - val_loss: 0.3800 - val_accuracy: 0.8930
Epoch 4/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.3859 - accuracy: 0.8456 - val_loss: 0.2583 - val_accuracy: 0.9236
Epoch 5/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.3007 - accuracy: 0.8802 - val_loss: 0.2244 - val_accuracy: 0.9271
Epoch 6/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.2516 - accuracy: 0.9063 - val_loss: 0.1965 - val_accuracy: 0.9413
Epoch 7/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.2223 - accuracy: 0.9219 - val_loss: 0.1795 - val_accuracy: 0.9476
Epoch 8/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 26ms/step - loss: 0.1967 - accuracy: 0.9338 - val_loss: 0.1423 - val_accuracy: 0.9580
Epoch 9/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.1759 - accuracy: 0.9415 - val_loss: 0.1314 - val_accuracy: 0.9611
Epoch 10/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.1654 - accuracy: 0.9447 - val_loss: 0.1214 - val_accuracy: 0.9667
Epoch 11/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.1584 - accuracy: 0.9474 - val_loss: 0.1189 - val_accuracy: 0.9682
Epoch 12/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 19ms/step - loss: 0.1469 - accuracy: 0.9519 - val_loss: 0.0997 - val_accuracy: 0.9719
Epoch 13/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 24ms/step - loss: 0.1371 - accuracy: 0.9566 - val_loss: 0.1065 - val_accuracy: 0.9707
Epoch 14/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.1400 - accuracy: 0.9560 - val_loss: 0.1080 - val_accuracy: 0.9709
Epoch 15/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 19ms/step - loss: 0.1325 - accuracy: 0.9571 - val_loss: 0.0907 - val_accuracy: 0.9747
Epoch 16/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 24ms/step - loss: 0.1227 - accuracy: 0.9605 - val_loss: 0.0901 - val_accuracy: 0.9731
Epoch 17/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.1206 - accuracy: 0.9610 - val_loss: 0.0938 - val_accuracy: 0.9749
Epoch 18/20
180/180 [==============================] - 3s 19ms/step - loss: 0.1154 - accuracy: 0.9621 - val_loss: 0.0848 - val_accuracy: 0.9762
Epoch 19/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 23ms/step - loss: 0.1116 - accuracy: 0.9645 - val_loss: 0.0798 - val_accuracy: 0.9782
Epoch 20/20
180/180 [==============================] - 4s 20ms/step - loss: 0.1072 - accuracy: 0.9649 - val_loss: 0.0790 - val_accuracy: 0.9800

From the model fitting history, the title-input only fake news classification reaches a 98.00% validation accuracy, which is slightly higher than the training accuracy 96.49%, performing a little bit worse than the title-only model.

Combining text and title

We use concatenate to combine the above two model

both = layers.concatenate([title_layer, text_layer], axis=1)
both = layers.Dense(32, activation='relu')(both)
output = layers.Dense(2, name = "fake")(both)
model3 = keras.Model(inputs = [title_in,text_in],outputs = output,name='both')
Model: "both"
 Layer (type)                   Output Shape         Param #     Connected to                     
 title (InputLayer)             [(None, 1)]          0           []                               
 text (InputLayer)              [(None, 1)]          0           []                               
 text_vectorization (TextVector  (None, 500)         0           ['title[0][0]']                  
 text_vectorization_1 (TextVect  (None, 500)         0           ['text[0][0]']                   
 embedding (Embedding)          (None, 500, 3)       6000        ['text_vectorization[0][0]',     
 dropout (Dropout)              (None, 500, 3)       0           ['embedding[0][0]']              
 dropout_2 (Dropout)            (None, 500, 3)       0           ['embedding[1][0]']              
 global_average_pooling1d (Glob  (None, 3)           0           ['dropout[0][0]']                
 global_average_pooling1d_1 (Gl  (None, 3)           0           ['dropout_2[0][0]']              
 dropout_1 (Dropout)            (None, 3)            0           ['global_average_pooling1d[0][0]'
 dropout_3 (Dropout)            (None, 3)            0           ['global_average_pooling1d_1[0][0
 dense (Dense)                  (None, 32)           128         ['dropout_1[0][0]']              
 dense_1 (Dense)                (None, 32)           128         ['dropout_3[0][0]']              
 concatenate (Concatenate)      (None, 64)           0           ['dense[0][0]',                  
 dense_2 (Dense)                (None, 32)           2080        ['concatenate[0][0]']            
 fake (Dense)                   (None, 2)            66          ['dense_2[0][0]']                
Total params: 8,402
Trainable params: 8,402
Non-trainable params: 0
              loss = losses.SparseCategoricalCrossentropy(from_logits=True),
history3 = model3.fit(train_ds, epochs=20, validation_data=val_ds)
Epoch 1/20
180/180 [==============================] - 7s 29ms/step - loss: 0.6237 - accuracy: 0.6842 - val_loss: 0.3790 - val_accuracy: 0.9047
Epoch 2/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.2373 - accuracy: 0.9315 - val_loss: 0.1517 - val_accuracy: 0.9587
Epoch 3/20
180/180 [==============================] - 9s 50ms/step - loss: 0.1446 - accuracy: 0.9569 - val_loss: 0.1196 - val_accuracy: 0.9567
Epoch 4/20
180/180 [==============================] - 11s 57ms/step - loss: 0.1151 - accuracy: 0.9661 - val_loss: 0.0700 - val_accuracy: 0.9836
Epoch 5/20
180/180 [==============================] - 10s 52ms/step - loss: 0.0983 - accuracy: 0.9699 - val_loss: 0.0661 - val_accuracy: 0.9818
Epoch 6/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 36ms/step - loss: 0.0854 - accuracy: 0.9737 - val_loss: 0.0598 - val_accuracy: 0.9822
Epoch 7/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 26ms/step - loss: 0.0791 - accuracy: 0.9762 - val_loss: 0.0458 - val_accuracy: 0.9876
Epoch 8/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 30ms/step - loss: 0.0697 - accuracy: 0.9786 - val_loss: 0.0570 - val_accuracy: 0.9851
Epoch 9/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.0694 - accuracy: 0.9782 - val_loss: 0.0419 - val_accuracy: 0.9909
Epoch 10/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 33ms/step - loss: 0.0615 - accuracy: 0.9809 - val_loss: 0.0455 - val_accuracy: 0.9891
Epoch 11/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.0595 - accuracy: 0.9818 - val_loss: 0.0454 - val_accuracy: 0.9902
Epoch 12/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 35ms/step - loss: 0.0540 - accuracy: 0.9830 - val_loss: 0.0359 - val_accuracy: 0.9913
Epoch 13/20
180/180 [==============================] - 7s 39ms/step - loss: 0.0512 - accuracy: 0.9836 - val_loss: 0.0267 - val_accuracy: 0.9937
Epoch 14/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 34ms/step - loss: 0.0520 - accuracy: 0.9821 - val_loss: 0.0259 - val_accuracy: 0.9949
Epoch 15/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.0463 - accuracy: 0.9845 - val_loss: 0.0263 - val_accuracy: 0.9949
Epoch 16/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 34ms/step - loss: 0.0448 - accuracy: 0.9854 - val_loss: 0.0337 - val_accuracy: 0.9900
Epoch 17/20
180/180 [==============================] - 7s 36ms/step - loss: 0.0473 - accuracy: 0.9827 - val_loss: 0.0223 - val_accuracy: 0.9949
Epoch 18/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 27ms/step - loss: 0.0384 - accuracy: 0.9879 - val_loss: 0.0245 - val_accuracy: 0.9935
Epoch 19/20
180/180 [==============================] - 6s 30ms/step - loss: 0.0393 - accuracy: 0.9865 - val_loss: 0.0240 - val_accuracy: 0.9956
Epoch 20/20
180/180 [==============================] - 5s 29ms/step - loss: 0.0421 - accuracy: 0.9855 - val_loss: 0.0379 - val_accuracy: 0.9869

We reached the highest validation accuracy so far - 99.64% with a training accuracy of 98.64% using both text and title.

Model Evaluation.

Let’s examine how well our classification model performs on unforseen data.

test_url = "https://github.com/PhilChodrow/PIC16b/blob/master/datasets/fake_news_test.csv?raw=true"
testdf = pd.read_csv(test_url)
test = make_dataset(testdf)
['loss', 'accuracy']
225/225 [==============================] - 2s 11ms/step - loss: 0.0935 - accuracy: 0.9752
[0.09349635243415833, 0.975232720375061]

We achieved a 98.15% accuracy in fake news classification on the test data.

Embedding Visualization

A word embedding is a learned representation for text where words that have the same meaning have a similar representation. One of the ways to learn word embedding is through an embedding layer, a word embedding that is learned jointly with a neural network model on a specific natural language processing task, such as fake news classification.

We will use PCA (principal component analysis) to distill the embedding down to two dimensions for ease of visualization while perserving the variations among words.

text_vectorize_layer.adapt(train_ds.map(lambda x, y: x["title"]))
vocab = text_vectorize_layer.get_vocabulary() # keeps track of mapping from word to integer
weights = model3.get_layer("embedding").get_weights()[0]
weights.shape # 2000 vocabs x 3 dimensional space
(2000, 3)
from sklearn.decomposition import PCA 
# https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.decomposition.PCA.html
# principal components analysis - 
# project things to lower dimension such that the variance of the dataset is most preserved

pca = PCA(n_components=2)
weights = pca.fit_transform(weights)
embedding_df = pd.DataFrame({
    'word': vocab,
    'x0': weights[:, 0],
    'x1': weights[:, 1]

We proceed to color the embedding [KMeans(https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.cluster.KMeans.html)]

from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import numpy as np
X = embedding_df[['x0','x1']]
kmeans = KMeans(n_clusters=7, random_state=0, n_init="auto").fit(X)
embedding_df['color'] = kmeans.labels_
array([[ 3.0225563e-01,  4.0982701e-03],
       [-4.8322803e-01, -4.9066180e-03],
       [-1.8069169e-01,  1.1805480e-03],
       [-1.0211896e+00,  7.3268600e-03],
       [ 6.2398237e-01,  1.9175592e-03],
       [ 1.2814839e+00, -2.1159504e-02],
       [ 6.2734939e-02, -1.5039325e-03]], dtype=float32)
import plotly.io as pio
pio.renderers.default = "notebook_connected"
import plotly.express as px
fig = px.scatter(embedding_df,
                 size_max = 10,
                 hover_name = 'word',
  1. The clusterings simply divide the words based on their x0 weights, so the variations mainly exist there. Some of the significant outliers of the x0 axis are Trumps (Trump’s), rep, gop, j, im, more, mr, that, nov. Some of them are more like stop words (I’m, that before standardization) that appear a lot but don’t really mean anything. Trump is an outlier because obviously he’s one of his kind in terms of spreading false information, making false claims, and creating chaos on the social network (Trump’s twitter).

  2. Meanwhile, trump appears somewhere in the middle orange cluster as well as some other politician last name (like clinton). The standardization does not collapse trumps and trump into the same thing. So politician last names mostly appear in the same group.

  3. In terms of the x1 axis, one word that gets weighted heavily is knowledge. It’s quite easy to think of sentences like ‘currently, scientists have xx knowledge on…’, ‘officials claimed no knowledge of…’ to be in a supposedly ‘informative’ piece of news.

  4. The rightest cluster has words like friday, tuesday, thurdsay that belong to the same category. To the right, there are adverbs like allegedly, apparently, recently that seems to be common in all news articles.

  5. The middle clusters are mostly noun, proper nouns, and verb that are not weighted heavily.